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Business Publisher stock quotes.

Trade and Business Information
Companies, Largest % Gainers

               Close    Close     %

Company       5/1/09   6/1/09   Change
GSOL           4.45      7.05    +58.4
Gartner       13.11     16.06    +22.5
Rogers        25.22     29.94    +18.7
IHS           41.41     48.78    +17.8
Dolan Media    4.00      4.34    +14.8

Trade and Business Information Companies, Largest % Losers

                   Close    Close      %

Company           5/1/09   6/1/09   Change
United Business     7.86     7.35    -6.5
Equifax            28.90    27.30    -5.5
Moody's            29.50    28.55    -3.2
John Wiley         33.94    32.86    -3.2

The Business Publisher Index (TBPI) is a cumulative
index of the 25 largest publicly-held trade
magazine and business information companies

         Close     Close     %

       5/16/09    6/1/09   Change

DJIA   8212.41   8721.44   +6.70
TBPI    466.98    497.58   +6.55
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Article Details
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Publication:Business Publisher
Date:Jun 1, 2009
Previous Article:According to American Business Media's (New York) 2009 Media Financial Survey, b2b media company revenue declined 2.2% in 2008 when compared to 2007...

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