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Appendix C: sample participant evaluation form.

Please answer all sections of this evaluation form. Your response will assist the training organizers in determining what modifications, if any, should be made to this program.

I. Overall Evaluation

1. Please check the choice that best reflects your overall evaluation of this training:

(1) Very good

(2) Good

(3) Fair

(4) Poor

(5) Very poor

II. Achievement of Objectives

2. The general objectives of the training are to ensure that you have the knowledge, and skills necessary to carry out gender mainstreaming into PRSPs and new aid modalities advocacy. Please circle the appropriate number to indicate the degree to which you feel that objective was achieved:

5 = totally;

4 = mostly;

3 = somewhat;

2 = hardly; and

1= not at all

3. If rated the achievement of the objectives at 1,2 or 3, please indicated why you feel that it was 'somewhat', 'hardly' or 'not at all' achieved and please offer any suggestions you might have to improve it. --

III. Other Aspects of the Training

For each of the following questions, check the response that best represents your opinion. Please add any other comments you have.

4. How relevant to your work was the overall workshop?

(1) Extremely

(2) Mostly

(3) Somewhat

(4) Not very

(5) Not at all

5. What aspects of the workshop were the most important or useful for you? Why? --

6. What aspect of the workshop were the least important or useful for you? Why? --

7. How well did the course content meet your expectation?

(1) Totally

(2) Mostly

(3) Partially

(4) Not at all


8. How well did the training methods contribute to achieving the workshop objectives?

(1) Extremely well

(2) Mostly

(3) Moderately

(4) Minimally

(4) Not at all


9. What three things could the organizers of this training have done to make the training more effective for you? --

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Author:Kakande, Margaret
Publication:Femnet News
Article Type:Appendix
Date:Sep 1, 2008
Previous Article:Appendix B: participants handouts.
Next Article:Appendix D: gender mainstreaming resources.

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