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Adherence to the CONSORT Statement in the Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials on Pharmacological Interventions Published in Iranian Medical Journals.


Many manuscripts with various methodologies are submitted to biomedical journals annually. Among such manuscripts, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the backbone of evidence-based medicine. According to Bastian and colleagues, (1) the number of RCTs is on the increase. Hence, their protocols should be designed meticulously and their results should be reported clearly.

To improve the quality of RCT reporting, a group of methodologists, epidemiologists, statisticians, and researchers developed the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement in 1996, (2) which was updated in 2001 (3) and then in 2010. (4)

According to previous studies, the adherence of RCTs to the CONSORT Checklist was not sufficient. (5-8) Indeed, although there have been few reports on the quality of pharmacological RCTs published in Iranian medical journals so far, all of them have reported poor adherence to the CONSORT Statement. (9-11) Given the rise in the number of articles published in Iran, (12,13) we aimed to evaluate the extent of adherence to the CONSORT Statement in pharmacological RCTs published in Iranian medical journals from September 2012 to September 2013. We also sought to address the fact that there were no reports on the comparison of adherence to CONSORT between articles in English and in Persian.

On the other hand, some researchers have reported that adherence to CONSORT 2010 among CONSORT-endorsing journals is more sufficient than that among other journals. (5,14-18) Therefore, we decided to assess adherence to CONSORT 2010 among articles published in Iranian CONSORT-endorsing medical journals in the mentioned period.

Materials and Methods

In this cross-sectional study, we analyzed the content of all published articles in all Iranian medical journals ranked as "scientific" by the Iranian Commission for Accreditation of Medical Journals, affiliated to the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education from September 2012 to September 2013. Three out of 296 journals were excluded because their publishing date was not within this period, they had no accurate contact information, or they lacked an active website. One hundred twenty-three journals contained pharmacological RCTs. The title of each journal was searched via Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Web Search to retrieve articles meeting our inclusion criteria from the journal sites. Out of 14,964 articles published in the journals, 493 reported pharmacological interventions.

All RCTs with pharmacological interventions were selected based on the study design described in the method section of the articles, although the authors might have mistakenly described their studies as experimental, semi-experimental, quasi-experimental, interventional, case control, or even cohort studies. Some articles that mentioned no specific design were included if their study method was compatible with RCTs.

Non-randomized, community, crossover, field, non-human, and before-after trials were excluded.

In 44 articles, a pharmacological intervention was compared with a non-pharmacological or herbal intervention. Fourteen of these articles whose authors aimed to evaluate the efficacy of pharmacological interventions were included. Of all the pharmacological RCTs, 213 articles were written in the English language and 280 in the Persian language.

Additionally, the instructions for authors specified by all the mentioned journals were reviewed to determine whether or not they demanded implementation of the CONSORT Statement. Of 123 journals publishing pharmacological articles, 12 were CONSORT-endorsing; all of them were in the English language.

The CONSORT Statement 2010 was downloaded from www.CONSORT-statement. org. (4) The original CONSORT Checklist has 25 items. Considering that some items consisted of several sections, we subdivided them to assess the RCTs more accurately. Accordingly, a checklist with 51 items was prepared and the articles were evaluated on the basis of whether or not they reported the items existing in the checklist.

Microsoft Excel 2007 was employed to enter and analyze the data. A score of 1 was allocated to the items reported and a score of 0 to those not reported. In case of the non-applicability of an item for reporting, the related cell in the software was only highlighted.

The frequencies and the percentiles for all the reported, not reported, and non-applicable items were calculated. The procedure was thereafter repeated for the English and Persian language articles and those published in the CONSORT-endorsing and non-CONSORT-endorsing journals.

The [x.sup.2] test was applied to compare the proportions of each item between the English and Persian language articles and between those published in the CONSORT-endorsing and non-CONSORT-endorsing journals. MedCalc (version, MedCalc Software, Belgium) was used for these comparisons. A P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

The confidentiality of the authors and journals was taken into consideration.


In the mentioned period, 493 pharmacological RCTs were published in Iranian medical journals. The adherence of the above-mentioned articles to CONSORT 2010 is shown in table 1. Twenty-five items were reported in fewer than 50% of the articles. Scientific background was reported in all the articles, and none of them declared where the full trial protocol could be accessed. Most of the underreported items were related to the method and the result parts of the checklist.

Eleven articles only reported the setting of the study and the locations were not reported; of them 6 were in the Persian language and 5 in the English language. In 2 articles, no description was available for the second arm of the trial (1 in the English language and 1 in the Persian language articles).

A clear "hypothesis" was mentioned in only 24 articles (4 in the Persian language and 20 in the English language articles).

Table 2 compares the items of non-adherence between the Persian and English language articles. The differences between the 2 groups were statistically significant in 17 items.

Thirty-two articles were published in CONSORT-endorsing journals. Table 3 compares the items of non-adherence between the CONSORT-endorsing and non-CONSORT-endorsing journals. The differences between these 2 groups of journals were significant just in 8 items.


In the present study, we drew upon CONSORT 2010 to evaluate pharmacological RCTs with respect to their adherence to all the 51 items of the checklist. We found that the evaluated articles could have adhered more to CONSORT 2010 had they been conducted more meticulously. Using a CONSORT 2010 Checklist with 37 items, Nojomi and colleagues (10) assessed the quality of reporting in RCTs published in Iranian medical journals from 2008 to 2010 and reported poor adherence among the articles; this finding chimes in with the results of our study. Nevertheless, there are differences between their study and ours. First, they used CONSORT 2010 to assess the articles published in the preceding years, which may have affected the results. Second, they evaluated adherence to 37 items, while we checked all the 51 items, aiming to increase the accuracy of the study findings. Third, whereas they used CONSORT 2010 for all types of RCTs, we categorized RCTs to pharmacological, non-pharmacological, and herbal and devised specific subcategories for each type. In this study, pharmacological studies are reported and presented.

In another report from Iran, Ayatollahi et al. (9) focused on only 4 items of CONSORT in 25 Iranian medical journals. They reported no adherence to all those items in the assessed journals. Our study seems to be more comprehensive than the aforementioned ones because we surveyed all the items in all Iranian medical journals.

Hopewell and coworkers (19) compared adherence to the CONSORT 2001 Checklist between RCTs indexed in PubMed in 2000 and those indexed in 2006. They concluded that although several items were reported more frequently in 2006, in general the quality of reporting was not acceptable. This result is in line with our findings.

Mills and others (20) evaluated adherence to 12 items of the CONSORT 2001 Checklist in 193 published RCTs and reported poor adherence.

Ahmadzadeh and colleagues (21) randomly selected 50 RCTs published in 5 high-rank journals and used CONSORT 2010 to assess the quality of reporting of all kinds of RCTs. Likewise, Mills and others (7) evaluated adherence to only 7 methodological items of the CONSORT 2001 Statement among RCTs published in 5 journals with the highest impact factor. Elsewhere, Uetani et al. (5) in their study concluded that the RCTs published in Japanese Journals in early 2004 failed to adhere to CONSORT.

Smith and others (6) assessed the quality of reporting in 96 RCTs published in 4 nursing journals in 2006 via the CONSORT 2001 Checklist by subdividing some of the items of the checklist for better evaluation and constructing a 48-item checklist. They found that only 15 out of the 48 items were reported by more than 75% of the reviewed articles. Their method is somehow similar to ours insofar as they subdivided the items to reach more comprehensive findings. Their findings are more similar to ours as.

In another study from London, adherence to CONSORT 2010 among RCTs on solid organ transplantation published in the period between 2007 and 2009 was evaluated. The results demonstrated that adherence to the items was poor. In contrast to our study, the researchers excluded non-English language articles and did not subcategorize the RCTs using specific types of CONSORT. (8)

We compared adherence to the CONSORT 2010 Checklist between 280 Persian language articles and 213 English language articles and found that the differences between the 2 groups were statistically significant in 17 items. Most of these items were reported more frequently in the English language articles than in the Persian language ones. To the best of our knowledge, there are few studies comparing adherence to CONSORT between RCTs in the English language and other languages. (22,23) Junker (23) compared RCTs conducted in German and English. Because the publication years of the evaluated articles predated the development of the CONSORT Checklist, the researcher did not use the CONSORT Statement and concluded that there was no difference between these 2 groups of RCTs. Klassen and others (22) compared quality between English and non-English language (Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish) RCTs. They did not use CONSORT for the assessment because of the year of publication and arrived at the conclusion that the English language RCTs enjoyed better quality. We believe that using a structural guideline such as CONSORT to compare English language articles with non-English language ones may yield more accurate findings. This approach can be the strength of our study.

To our knowledge, since the development of the CONSORT Checklist, the present study is the first assessment and comparison of adherence to CONSORT between English and Persian RCTs. This is all but a truism that English language articles should be reported with acceptable quality because they are meant to be published in journals with international readers. Indeed, such articles should endeavor to report accurate information for citation and use in meta-analyses. In our study, although some items were reported more frequently in the English language articles, most of the items did not adhere to the checklist. It would, therefore, be reasonable to suggest that Iranian medical editors pay heed to the CONSORT guidelines as an important tool that can boost the visibility of their published RCTs.

Having evaluated 493 pharmacological RCTs published in 296 Iranian medical journals during a 1-year period, we can claim that the current study boasts the largest sample size of all the studies hitherto conducted in this field. In previous similar studies, only 80 journals, (10) 25 journals, (9) 4 high-impact-factor pharmacological journals, (20) 4 high-rank journals, (24) 5 high-rank journals, (7,21) 71 Japanese journals, (5) and 20 RCTs published in the Journal of Cardiology (25) were evaluated. In light of the aforesaid studies, we can assert that another salient strong point of our study is the evaluation of a larger number of articles and journals.

Low adherence to the CONSORT Statement among the RCTs in our selected journals by comparison with those published in high-rank journals reported by Ahmadzadeh and colleagues, (21) Mills and others, (7) and Han et al. (26) can be explained by the fact that high-rank journals usually receive and select RCTs with the utmost quality.

A developing country with a considerable number of journals, Iran can be representative of other countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Therefore, our findings propose poor adherence to CONSORT in published pharmacological RCTs can be generalized to other RCTs published in other regional countries. It is worth mentioning that the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education attaches great significance to enhancing the quality of articles published in Iranian medical journals. The fact that despite such emphasis the quality of RCTs in our region falls short of the standards set by high-rank journals underscores the need for more rigorous supervision.

We did not calculate the average adherence of the evaluated RCTs compared with what Nojomi, Ahmadzadeh, and Han and others did. (10,21,26) We think that each item in the CONSORT Checklist carries a significant weight. For example, randomization, blinding, sample size determination, flow diagram, and registration number are important methodological items that can weigh differently in different studies; hence, reporting the whole score may not show the overall quality of the reported RCTs.

In the present study, we compared adherence between RCTs published in CONSORT-endorsing journals and those published in non-CONSORT-endorsing ones and found that the 2 groups were meaningfully different in terms of adherence in 8 items. All of the 8 items were reported more frequently in the articles published in the CONSORT-endorsing journals. Overall, adherence to the CONSORT 2010 Checklist was not sufficient in the 2 groups.

Pandis et al. (18) in their study concluded that the articles published in the period after the implementation of CONSORT reported more items. Miller and others (27) compared general medical journals and specialty journals that endorsed CONSORT and concluded that both groups failed to properly implement CONSORT in reporting trials. Turner and coworkers (17) compared RCTs published in CONSORT-endorsing journals with those published in non-CONSORT-endorsing journals and concluded that the former group might help authors to report more adherent RCTs, although it did not mean that the RCTs published in CONSORT-endorsing journals were reported sufficiently.

First and foremost among the strengths of the current study is that we assessed all the 25 items of the CONSORT Statement together with all their respective subcategories. Such comprehensive evaluation has not yet been done on the CONSORT guidelines. There are, nevertheless, some limitations in our study. When the websites of some journals were not available, we referred to or Whenever we found articles comparing drug interventions with herbal or non-pharmacological interventions we used a checklist suitable for the dominant intervention. Another drawback of note is that the low number of the articles published in CONSORT-endorsing journals may have affected the results of the comparisons.


Adherence to the CONSORT Statement among our selected RCTs, published in Persian and English in Iranian medical journals, was not sufficient. In addition, the articles published in both CONSORT-endorsing and non-CONSORT-endorsing journals failed to adhere to CONSORT adequately. We would recommend that authors, reviewers, and editors seek out further training in the proper implementation of the CONSORT statement and that editors be sure to endorse CONSORT in their instructions for authors and monitor adherence to it. What would also be beneficial is the development of a checklist suitable for reporting pharmacological interventions comparing herbal, non-pharmacological, and acupunctural interventions.


This article was derived from an MSc thesis by Dr. Pooneh Sarveravan in the field of medical journalism, and it was approved and financially supported by the Vice Chancellery for Research Affairs of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. We acknowledge Professor Mehrdad Askarian for his idea in reviewing the instructions for authors and Dr. Peyman Jafari for his idea in the comparison of the English language RCTs with Persian language RCTs.

Conflict of Interest: None declared.


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(27.) Mills E, Wu P, Gagnier J, Heels-Ansdell D, Montori VM. An analysis of general medical and specialist journals that endorse CONSORT found that reporting was not enforced consistently. J Clin Epidemiol. 2005;58:662-7. doi: 10.1016/j. jclinepi.2005.01.004. PubMed PMID: 15939216.

Pooneh Sarveravan (1), MD, MSc;

Behrooz Astaneh (1), MD;

Nasrin Shokrpour (2), PhD

(1) Department of Medical Journalism, School of Paramedical, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran;

(2) Department of English Language, School of Paramedical, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


Behrooz Astaneh, MD; Department of Medical Journalism, School of Paramedical, Meshkinfam Street, Zip code: 71439-14693, Shiraz, Iran

Tel: +98 71 32294720

Fax: +98 71 32279781

Email: [email protected]

Received: 22 April 2017

Revised: 27 May 2017

Accepted: 28 May 2017

What's Known

* Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the backbone of evidence-based medicine. All RCT reports should adhere to the standard checklist of CONSORT.

What's New

* Adherence to CONSORT among RCTs published in Iranian medical journals (in English and Persian) was not sufficient.

* Articles published in the CONSORT-endorsing and non-CONSORT-endorsing journals did not adhere adequately to CONSORT.
Table 1: Adherence to the CONSORT 2010 checklist among the evaluated
pharmacological randomized controlled trials

    Items  Checklist items

1a    1    Identification as a randomized trial in the title
1b    2    Structured summary of the trial design, methods, results,
           and conclusions
2a    3    Scientific background and explanation of rationale
2b    4    Specific objectives or hypotheses
3a    5    Description of the trial design (e.g., parallel and
      6    Allocation ratio
3b    7    Important changes to the methods after trial
           commencement (e.g., eligibility criteria), with reasons
4a    8    Eligibility criteria for the participants
4b    9    Settings and locations where the data were collected
5    10    Interventions for each group with sufficient details to allow
           replication, including how and when they were actually
6a   11    Completely defined pre-specified primary outcome
     12    Completely defined pre-specified secondary outcome
     13    How and when they were assessed
6b   14    Any changes to the trial outcomes after the trial
           commenced, with reasons
7a   15    How the sample size was determined
7b   16    When applicable, explanation of any interim analyses and
           stopping guidelines
8a   17    Method used to generate the random allocation sequence
8b   18    Type of randomization and details of any restriction
           (e.g., blocking and block size)
9    19    Mechanism used to implement the random allocation
           sequence (e.g., sequentially numbered containers) and
           describing any steps taken to conceal the sequence until
           interventions were assigned
10   20    Who generated the random allocation sequence
     21    Who enrolled the participants
     22    Who assigned the participants to interventions
11a  23    If done, who was blinded after assignment to
           interventions (e.g., participants, care providers, and those
           assessing the outcomes) and how
11b  24    If relevant, description of the similarity of the
12a  25    Statistical methods used to compare the groups for the
           primary and secondary outcomes
12b  26    Methods for additional analyses such as subgroup
           analyses and adjusted analyses
13a  27    For each group, the number of the participants who were
           randomly assigned
     28    For each group, the number of the participants who
           received the intended treatment
     29    For each group, the number of the participants who
           completed the study protocol
13a  30    For each group, the number of the participants who were
           analyzed for the primary outcome
13b  31    For each group, losses and exclusions after randomization
           together with reasons
14a  32    Dates defining the periods of recruitment
     33    Dates defining the periods of follow-up
14b  34    Why the trial ended or was stopped
15   35    A table showing baseline demographic and clinical
           characteristics for each group
16   36    Flow diagram
17a  37    For each group, the number of the
           participants (denominator) included in each analysis and
           whether the analysis was by the original assigned groups
     38    For each primary and secondary outcome, results for each
     39    Estimated effect size
     40    Its precision (e.g., 95% confidence interval)
17b  41    For binary outcomes, presentation of absolute effect sizes
17b  42    For binary outcomes, presentation of relative effect sizes
18   43    Results of any other analyses performed, including
           subgroup analyses and adjusted analyses, distinguishing
           pre-specified from exploratory
19   44    All important harms or unintended effects in each group
20   45    Trial limitations, addressing sources of potential bias,
           imprecision, and, if relevant, multiplicity of analyses
21   46    Generalizability (external validity and applicability) of the
           trial findings
22   47    Interpretation consistent with the results, balancing
           benefits and harms, and considering other relevant
23   48    Registration number
24   49    Name of the trial registry
     50    Where the full trial protocol can be accessed, if available
25   51    Sources of funding and other support (such as supply of
           drugs) and the role of the funders

     n (%)
     Reported (n=493)    Not reported    Not

1a   117 (23.73)         376 (76.27)       0
1b   480 (97.36)          13 (2.64)        0
2a   493 (100)             0    0
2b   483 (97.97)          10 (2.03)        0
3a   491 (99.59)           2 (0.41)        0
      15 (3.04)          478 (96.96)       0
3b     0                   0             493 (100)
4a   491 (99.59)           2 (0.41)        0
4b   419 (84.99)          74 (15.01)       0
5    490 (99.39)           3 (0.61)        0
6a    48 (9.74)          445 (90.26)       0
      38 (7.71)          455 (92.29)       0
     487 (98.78)           6 (1.22)        0
6b     1 (0.20)            0             492 (99.80)
7a   167 (33.87)         326 (66.13)       0
7b     1 (0.20)            0             492 (99.80)
8a   174 (35.29)         319 (64.71)       0
8b    64 (12.98)         429 (87.02)       0
9     64 (12.98)         319 (64.71)       0
10    13 (2.64)          480 (97.36)       0
       4 (0.81)          489 (99.19)       0
      16 (3.25)          477 (96.75)       0
11a  285 (57.81)         208 (42.19)       0
11b  404 (81.95)          49 (9.94)       40 (8.11)
12a  484 (98.17)           9 (1.83)        0
12b  137 (27.79)         356 (72.21)       0
13a  473 (95.94)           4 (4.06)        0
     289 (58.62)         204 (41.38)       0
     142 (28.80)         351 (71.20)       0
13a  179 (36.31)         314 (63.69)       0
13b  192 (38.96)         301 (61.05)       0
14a  286 (58.01)         207 (41.99)       0
     476 (96.55)          17 (3.45)        0
14b    1 (0.20)            0             492 (99.80)
15   304 (61.66)         189 (38.34)       0
16    74 (15.01)         419 (84.99)       0
17a  162 (32.86)         331 (67.14)       0
     491 (99.59)           2 (0.41)        0
       3 (0.61)          490 (99.39)       0
      42 (8.52)          451 (91.48)       0
17b    2 (0.41)           39 (7.91)      452 (91.68)
17b   15 (3.04)           26 (5.27)      452 (91.68)
18    99 (20.08)         394 (79.92)       0
19   285 (57.81)         208 (42.19)       0
20   214 (43.41)         279 (56.59)       0
21   239 (48.48)         204 (41.38)      50 (10.14)
22   490 (99.39)           3(0.61)         0
23   196 (39.76)         297 (60.24)       0
24   154 (31.24)         339 (68.76)       0
       0                 493 (100)         0
     174 (35.29)         319 (64.71)       0

Table 2: (Continued)

    Items  Checklist items

1a    1    Identification as a randomized trial in the title
1b    2    Structured summary of the trial design,
           methods, results, and conclusions
2a    3    Scientific background and explanation of
2b    4    Specific objectives or hypotheses
3a    5    Description of the trial design (e.g., parallel
           and factorial)
      6    Allocation ratio
3b    7    Important changes to the methods after trial
           commencement (e.g., eligibility criteria), with
4a    8    Eligibility criteria for the participants
4b    9    Settings and locations where the data were
5    10    Interventions for each group with sufficient
           details to allow replication, including how
           and when they were actually administered
6a   11    Completely defined pre-specified primary
           outcome measures
     12    Completely defined pre-specified secondary
           outcome measures
     13    How and when they were assessed
6b   14    Any changes to the trial outcomes after the
           trial commenced, with reasons
7a   15    How the sample size was determined
7b   16    When applicable, explanation of any interim
           analyses and stopping guidelines
8a   17    Method used to generate the random
           allocation sequence
8b   18    Type of randomization and details of any
           restriction (e.g., blocking and block size)
9    19    Mechanism used to implement the random
           allocation sequence (e.g., sequentially
           numbered containers), describing any
           steps taken to conceal the sequence until
           interventions were assigned
10   20    Who generated the random allocation
     21    Who enrolled the participants
     22    Who assigned the participants to
11a  23    If done, who was blinded after assignment
           to interventions (e.g., participants, care
           providers, and those assessing the
           outcomes) and how
11b  24    If relevant, description of the similarity of
12a  25    Statistical methods used to compare the
           groups for the primary and secondary
12b  26    Methods for additional analyses such as
           subgroup analyses and adjusted analyses
13a  27    For each group, the number of the
           participants who were randomly assigned
     28    For each group, the number of the
           participants who received the intended
     29    For each group, the number of the
           participants who completed the study
13a  30    For each group, the number of the
           participants who were analyzed for the
           primary outcome
13b  31    For each group, losses and exclusions after
           randomization, together with reasons
14a  32    Dates defining the periods of recruitment
     33    Dates defining the periods of follow-up
14b  34    Why the trial ended or was stopped
15   35    A table showing baseline demographic and
           clinical characteristics for each group
16   36    Flow diagram
17a  37    For each group, number of the
           participants (denominator) included in each
           analysis and whether the analysis was by
           the original assigned groups
     38    For each primary and secondary outcome,
           results for each group
     39    Estimated effect size
     40    Its precision (e.g., 95% confidence interval)
17b  41    For binary outcomes, presentation of
           absolute effect sizes
17b  42    For binary outcomes, presentation of
           relative effect sizes
18   43    Results of any other analyses performed,
           including subgroup analyses and adjusted
           analyses, distinguishing pre-specified from
19   44    All important harms or unintended effects in
           each group
20   45    Trial limitations, addressing sources of
           potential bias, imprecision, and, if relevant,
           multiplicity of analyses
21   46    Generalizability (external validity and
           applicability) of the trial findings
22   47    Interpretation consistent with the results,
           balancing benefits and harms, and
           considering other relevant evidence
23   48    Registration number
     49    Name of the trial registry
24   50    Where the full trial protocol can be
           accessed, if available
25   51    Sources of funding and other support (e.g.,
           supply of drugs) and the role of the funders

     Not reported n(%)                       P value (confidence
     Persian             English articles    interval)*
     articles (n=280)    (n=213)

1a   240 (85.71)         136 (63.85)         <0.0001 (14.22-29.50)
1b     0                  13 (6.10)           0.0001 (2.89-9.32)
2a     0                   0                 -
2b     7 (2.50)            3 (1.41)           0.59 (-1.32-3.51)
3a     1 (0.36)            1 (0.47)           0.60 (-1.41-1.27)
     277 (98.93)         201 (94.37)          0.0079 (1.23-7.88)
3b     0                   0                  -
4a     2 (0.71)            0                  0.60 (-0.27-1.69)
4b    39 (13.93)          35 (16.43)          0.52 (-3.91-8.92)
5      2 (0.71)            1 (0.47)           0.81 (-1.10-1.59)
6a   270 (96.43)         175 (82.16)         <0.0001 (8.68-19.85)
     270 (96.43)         185 (86.85)          0.0002 (4.54-14.61)
       3 (1.07)            3 (1.41)           0.93 (-1.65-2.32)
6b     0                   0                  -
7a   185 (66.07)         141 (66.20)          0.94 (-8.30-8.55)
7b     0                   0                  -
8a   190 (67.86)         129 (60.56)          0.11 (-1.24-15.84)
8b   250 (89.29)         179 (89.04)          0.11 (-0.86-11.35)
9    256 (91.43)         173 (81.22)          0.0013 (4.02-16.39)
10   276 (98.57)         204 (95.77)          0.10 (-0.24-5.83)
     279 (99.64)         210 (98.59)          0.43 (-0.67-2.78)
     269 (96.07)         208 (97.65)          0.46 (-1.47-4.63)
11a  118 (42.14)          90 (42.25)          0.94 (-8.69-8.91)
11b   20 (7.14)           28 (13.16)          0.03 (0.55-11.44)
12a    8 (2.86)            1 (0.47)           0.10 (0.23-4.54)
12b  208 (74.26)         148 (69.48)          0.28 (-3.22-12.82)
13a   12 (4.29)            8 (3.76)           0.94 (-2.99-4.01)
     159 (56.79)          45 (21.13)         <0.0001 (27.67-43.63)
     222 (79.29)         129 (60.56)         <0.0001 (10.62-26.82)
13a  113 (53.05)         201 (71.79)         <0.0001 (10.20-27.25)
13b  192 (68.57)         109 (51.17)          0.0001 (8.76-26.03)
14a   76 (35.68)         131 (46.79)          0.01 (2.40-19.79)
       8 (2.86)            9 (4.23)           0.56 (-14.96-4.69)
14b    0                   0    -
15   127 (45.36)          62 (29.11)          0.0003 (7.81-24.68)
16   268 (95.71)         151 (70.89)          <.0001 (18.27-31.36)
17a   75 (75.71)         119 (55.87)          <.0001 (11.52-28.22)
       1 (0.36)            1 (0.36)           0.60 (-1.41-1.26)
     279 (99.64)         211 (99.06)          0.81 (-0.89-2.05)
     257 (91.76)         194 (91.07)          0.90 (-4.29-5.70)
17b   16 (5.71)           21 (9.86)           0.11 (-0.69-8.98)
17b    9 (3.21)           15 (7.04)           0.08 (-0.18-7.83)
18   230 (82.14)         164 (77.00)          0.19 (-2.69-12.36)
19   134 (47.86)          74 (34.74)          0.0047 (4.44-21.78)
20   174 (62.14)         105 (49.30)          0.0058 (4.05-21.64)
21   117 (41.79)          87 (40.85)          0.90 (-7.83-9.71)
22     1 (0.36)            2 (0.94)           0.81 (-0.89-2.05)
23   163 (58.21)         134 (62.91)          0.33 (-3.98-13.38)
     189 (67.50)         150 (70.42)          0.55 (-5.30-11.14)
24   280 (100)           213 (100)            -
25   188 (67.14)         131 (61.50)          0.22 (-5.30-11.14)

*[X.sup.2] test

Table 3: Comparison of the items of non-adherence to the CONSORT 2010
checklist between the evaluated pharmacological randomized controlled
trials (RCTs) published in the CONSORT-endorsing and
non-CONSORT-endorsing journal

    Items  Checklist items

1a    1    Identification as a randomized trial in
           the title
1b    2    Structured summary of the trial
           design, methods, results, and
2a    3    Scientific background and explanation
           of rationale
2b    4    Specific objectives or hypotheses
3a    5    Description of the trial design
           (e.g., parallel and factorial)
      6    Allocation ratio
3b    7    Important changes to the methods
           after trial commencement
           (e.g., eligibility criteria), with reasons
4a    8    Eligibility criteria for the participants
4b    9    Settings and locations where the data
           were collected
5    10    Interventions for each group with
           sufficient details to allow replication,
           including how and when they were
           actually administered
6a   11    Completely defined pre-specified
           primary outcome measures
     12    Completely defined pre-specified
           secondary outcome measures
     13    How and when they were assessed
6b   14    Any changes to the trial outcomes after
           the trial commenced, with reasons
7a   15    How the sample size was determined
7b   16    When applicable, explanation of
           any interim analyses and stopping
8a   17    Method used to generate the random
           allocation sequence
8b   18    Type of randomization and details of
           any restriction
           (e.g., blocking and block size)
9    19    Mechanism used to implement the
           random allocation sequence
           (e.g., sequentially numbered
           containers), describing any steps
           taken to conceal the sequence until
           interventions were assigned
10   20    Who generated the random allocation
     21    Who enrolled the participants
     22    Who assigned the participants to
11a  23    If done, who was blinded after
           assignment to interventions
           (e.g., participants, care providers, and
           those assessing outcomes) and how
11b  24    If relevant, description of the similarity
           of interventions
12a  25    Statistical methods used to compare
           the groups for primary and secondary
12b  26    Methods for additional analyses such
           as subgroup analyses and adjusted
13a  27    For each group, the number of the
           participants who were randomly
     28    For each group, the number of
           the participants who received the
           intended treatment
     29    For each group, the number of the
           participants who completed the study
13a  30    For each group, the number of the
           participants who were analyzed for
           the primary outcome
13b  31    For each group, losses and
           exclusions after randomization,
           together with reasons
14a  32    Dates defining the periods of
     33    Dates defining the periods of
14b  34    Why the trial ended or was stopped
15   35    A table showing baseline
           demographic and clinical
           characteristics for each group
16   36    Flow diagram
17a  37    For each group, number of the
           participants (denominator) included
           in each analysis and whether the
           analysis was by original assigned
     38    For each primary and secondary
           outcome, results for each group
     39    Estimated effect size
     40    Its precision (e.g., 95% confidence
17b  41    For binary outcomes, presentation of
           absolute effect sizes
17b  42    For binary outcomes, presentation of
           relative effect sizes
18   43    Results of any other analyses
           performed, including subgroup
           analyses and adjusted analyses,
           distinguishing pre-specified from
19   44    All important harms or unintended
           effects in each group
20   45    Trial limitations, addressing sources
           of potential bias, imprecision, and, if
           relevant, multiplicity of analyses
21   46    Generalizability (external validity and
           applicability) of the trial findings
22   47    Interpretation consistent with the
           results, balancing benefits and
           harms, and considering other relevant
23   48    Registration number
     49    Name of the trial registry
24   50    Where the full trial protocol can be
           accessed, if available
25   51    Sources of funding and other
           support (e.g., supply of drugs) and
           the role of the funders

     Not reported n (%)                      P value (confidence
     CONSORT-            Non-CONSORT-        interval) (*)
     Endorsing (n=32)    Endorsing (n=461)

1a    22 (68.75)         354 (76.78)          0.41 (-8.47-24.55)
1b     0                  13 (2.82)           0.69 (1.30-4.32)
2a     0                   0                  -
2b     1 (3.12)            9 (1.95)           0.84 (-4.98-7.33)
3a     1 (3.12)            1 (0.22)           0.28 (-3.13-8.95)
      29 (90.62)         449 (97.40)          0.10 (-3.43-16.97)
3b     0                   0                  -
4a     0                   2 (0.43)           0.28 (-0.16-1.03)
4b     7 (21.87)          67 (14.53)          0.38 (-7.33-22.02)
5      0                   3 (0.65)           0.47 (-0.08-1.38)
6a    25 (78.12)         420 (91.11)          0.03 (-1.57-27.53)
      26 (81.25)         429 (93.06)          0.03 (-1.91-25.52)
       1 (3.12)            5 (1.08)           0.85 (-4.06-8.14)
6b     0                   0                  -
7a    20 (62.05)         306 (66.38)          0.79 (-13.44-21.19)
7b     0                   0                  -
8a    18 (26.25)         301 (65.21)         <0.0001 (24.67-55.91)
8b    26 (81.25)         403 (87.42)          0.46 (-7.69-20.02)
9     26 (81.25)         403 (87.42)          0.46 (-7.69-20.02)
10    29 (90.62)         451 (97.83)          0.05 (-2.98-17.39)
      30 (93.75)         459 (99.57)          0.01 (-2.59-14.22)
      30 (93.75)         447 (96.96)          0.63 (-5.31-11.74)
11a    8 (25)            199 (43.17)          0.06 (2.49-33.83)
11b    4 (12.50)          45 (9.76)           0.84 (-9.03-14.51)
12a    1 (3.12)            8 (1.74)           0.90 (-4.75-7.53)
12b   22 (68.75)         334 (72.45)          0.80 (-12.86-20.27)
13a    2 (6.25)           18 (3.90)           0.85 (-6.22-10.91)
       6 (18.75)         198 (42.95)          0.01 (9.94-38.45)
      22 (68.75)         329 (71.37)          0.90 (-13.96-19.19)
13a   17 (53.13)         297 (64.43)          0.27 (-6.53-29.13)
13b   17 (53.13)         284 (61.61)          0.44 (-9.37-26.33)
14a   13 (40.63)         194 (42.08)          0.98 (-16.14-19.06)
       1 (3.13)           16 (3.47)           0.69 (-5.91-6.60)
14b    0                   0                  -
15     7 (21.87)         182 (39.48)          0.07 (2.60-32.60)
16    22 (68.75)         397 (86.12)          0.01 (0.99-33.73)
17a   17 (53.12)         314 (68.11)          0.12 (-2.81-32.79)
       0                   2 (0.43)           0.28 (0.16-1.03)
      32 (100)           458 (99.40)          0.47 (-0.08-1.38)
      29 (90.62)         422 (91.54)          0.88 (-9.49-11.32)
17b    1 (3.12)           39 (8.46)           0.46 (-1.20-11.87)
17b    1 (3.12)           26 (5.64)           0.83 (-3.87-8.89)
18    26 (81.25)         368 (79.83)          0.97 (-12.58-15.43)
19     8 (25)            200 (43.39)          0.06 (2.71-34.05)
20    20 (62.50)         259 (56.18)          0.60 (-11.05-23.69)
21    15 (46.87)         189 (40.99)          0.64 (-11.98-23.74)
22     0                   3 (0.65)          <0.0001 (95.81-101.58)
23    18 (56.25)         279 (60.52)          0.77 (-13.48-22.02)
      25 (78.12)         314 (68.11)          0.32 (-4.92-24.95)
24    32 (100)           461 (100)            -
25    18 (56.25)         301 (65.29)          0.39 (-8.68-26.77)

(*) [X.sup.2] test
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Title Annotation:Original Article
Author:Sarveravan, Pooneh; Astaneh, Behrooz; Shokrpour, Nasrin
Publication:Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences
Article Type:Report
Date:Nov 1, 2017
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