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A reliable organization's design axioms.


The number of elements in an organizational structure is determined on the basis of some continuum, when attention is focused on the laws of bounding of a certain environment's elements. The necessity of immediate information about of the objects of research no longer arises in such an environment at the initial stage (Kopitov, 2009). In a specific environment, the entire social system is affected by the impact of special objects made some force capturing all subjects at the level of distributed responsibility and forming whole activities added by the indivisible process (Kopitov, 2010a). The mutually simple conformity to the entire activity and the process should be maintained. This conformity is supported by the provision of important supportive conditions in a substantiated correlation for the purpose of organizational functioning and development.

The present paper represents a conceptual research, on the basis of which new grounds of management are formed. Such grounds are directed to managerial approvals and theories. Formalization of the management theory is the fundamental idea of the present research. It means a consistent implementation of an axiomatic method used to build the theory and provides answers to such questions as: 'How should the theory be built to avoid contradictions?', 'What properties should the methods of proof possess in order to be considered as rather strict?' The methods of proof are based on the author's research as well as on the results of studies by Beer, Schedrovitsky, Mintzberg, Deming, Cummings, Barnard, Ansoff and others.

The aim of the research is formation of the evidence base on the basis of which a reliable structure is created. This structure would allow to maintain the compliance of referential activities with the referential process. The managerial axioms elaborated by the author are implemented as such a base. These axioms indicate which laws the supposed activities and the predictable process should adhere to in the course of their union in a single structure. Special ratios are established under the development of the axioms and take into account the provision of conditions for a stable functioning of an enterprise. The object of the research is the structure of an organization, where the special methods of organizational diagnostics, objective means of constructive design and the 2nd type-error detection mechanisms of system formation are implemented. The investigation of the structure is conducted in the contextual environment. It is possible to achieve compatibility of the investigated object with the formed knowledge on the basis of the axiomatic apparatus. Thanks to this approach, a reliable information is retrieved. It is possible to obtain the results representing the innovative procedure of building of reliable organization with the help of such information and on the basis of the implemented principles within the framework of the costs concept. It is this structure which allows to adjust a description to specific reality.

1. Constructive design implemented instead of traditional constructs

Constructive objects are the objects participating in the constructive process. Non-constructive objects serve for the expression of the facts revealed as a result of observations which are added by the substantiated evidence of extremely large-scale events or names which are less observed, but include much useful information (Taleb, 2011; Uspensky, 2011). In order to reveal nonconstructive objects, one should implement the condition of the exclusive third principle, which cannot be applied only to the judgements of specific kinds in which the theoretical statement is inseparably linked with building of the statement's object (Kolmogoroff, 1925). A conformity among non-constructive objects and constructive subjects should be found. The fact underlying this conformity is linked with the reproductive property in the formats of any name's system at the time of its addition. The presence of such a system allows to reveal only facts affirmed in observations and thus to determine the form of activities. Everything else presents theoretical assumptions with which one can agree or disagree. Thus, the task is to select precisely the constructs which define the constructive process most fully among a great number of different notions. In this case, the question about the correlation of constructive notions to actual reality becomes central. At the same time, instead of theoretical objects a description of well-know activities is moved to the foreground. These activities can be determined as constructive design, where the elements of the objective world give objects a new quality, the features which were not and could not be taken into account by pure engineering.

2. Peculiarities of constructive design

Just as any natural and historic phenomenon, constructive design is created and developed independently of separate people's desire and will. In this case, it introduces the natural force capturing and subordinating everything contained in the succession totality of certain objects carrying out some activities. This activity may be called a referential one, because it not only subordinates other kinds of activity, but also owns the possibility to determine the common values of the total activity capturing others. One should notice that this force captures so strongly that people should only obey and adapt themselves to it. Natural constructions are implemented for determination of the referential activity. However, any human being wants not only to adapt to this spontaneous process of the development and change by choosing the most advantageous trajectory of personal behavior and life, a man wants to manage this process by arranging the best way of design and sometimes by rebuilding it if the movement does not go a way one needs it. The whole design in this case is similar to a product designed and produced according to certain objects on the basis of artificial constructions (Schedrovitsky, 1995). The totality of process objects put in accordance with the referential activity's objects could be called a referential process by analogy. In other words, the development and change of constructive design appear and should appear as the referential activity independent of people, capturing their craft and subordinating it by own developmental laws on the one hand, but on the other hand, it should appear as the referential process of the deliberate and purposeful people's product united with the referential structure.

One can raise a question about the management of development of constructive design. However, a totally special knowledge is needed for the implementation of the tasks set for the management (Beer, 1971). One should recognize and show design on the whole, in order to imagine the mechanisms of its life and the natural laws of its possible development (Schedrovitsky, 1995).

In addition, one can determine two problems:

1) how to introduce and represent the referential activity's spheres in such a way that one can study these spheres by scientific methods;

2) how to determine specific signs of referential activities and how one can reveal them.

In order to solve these problems, one should preliminarily roughly imagine the integral scale succession of revealed activities' objects obtained under the principle of the rejection of rejection and the principle of the exceptional third and then one can move on to the issues of a methodological character.

By investigating the character and specific peculiarities of each type of knowledge tools, it is necessary to come to an analysis of the structure and character of certain spheres of activities which can and should make appropriate means (contents) of knowledge in a certain environment (Ansoff, 1969). In order to do that one should work out plans of forthcoming activities added by large-scaled circumstances and new inventions (De Gues, 1997; Christensen, 1997). By analyzing the existing and possible kinds of referential activities, the character and structure of served knowledge and by attracting common conceptions and notions, the constructive design methodology should create the referential process in addition to the referential activities allowed to lead it on the new level necessary for real building.

In such a way, methodological activity in the design sphere will include the research directed to the existing or possible kinds of activities and means of knowledge serving them as well as designing the object of which will be the referential process.

3. Determination of important conditions of constructive design

Upon revealing the technology of constructive design, it is necessary to investigate three important conditions made in the form of ratios. Efficiency of an organization depends on the following ratios:

1. the correlation of constructive presentations to reality;

2. the correlation of research to designing;

3. the correlation of different kinds of activities inside referential activities.

This structure is the linked substance allowed to tune a description to reality in the formats of which the conformity of elements of activities to the process is supported. The arrangement leads to the creation of a system where a structure and elements with links exist. Upon the elaboration of the structure, its purpose becomes setting a current link with the referential activities and the provision of readiness to the innovations that will appear there in the future.

The link among objects is determined on the basis of the formed structure. These objects are supplemented by mutually-simple conformity to objects by giving these objects natural objective completion. Everything in this link begins under the generation of intuitive images. The adjustment of models to created images is provided with the help of these images in the format of the fractal theory (Mandelbrot, 1997). Then there comes a gradual transition from images through the form of certain activities which allows to slightly open up the nature of fortuity by the investigation of vagueness and by forming grounds for the disclosure of reality based on the content of the process. At the same time, one should substantiate the choice of the elements' size thanks to which further specification is implemented. The referential activity represents the real matter which is presented as the comprehension of that matter which one should save, it is the matter which the owner of business obtains under the happy coincidence of circumstances. That is why it is necessary to work out a special habit to check the groundless risk and to comprehend the nature of uncontrolled fortuity by the investigation of hidden evidences. The 'baneful property' characteristic of errors in the finest sense of the word will be used in the given approach; the more errors one has, the larger their disguised influence is.

As regards admissible errors in a structure, some of its developers consider erroneously that they could allow to make logical mistakes in a process description, but not in reality. The essence of the matter is opposite as one should approach the cherished truth by disproved examples, but not by affirmed ones. The disproved examples allow for investigating uncertainty fully and finding the essence.

Thus, the top priority task of constructive design is to determine the structure representing the core of an organization and to do this with the highest accuracy. On the basis of such a structure, the mutual and mono-semantic conformity of elements of referential activities to the referential process and readiness to refutations are worked out. This readiness makes us additionally complicate the existing multidimensionality, but not simplify it.

The elaborated structure is built for the purpose of finding out the truth, but not for getting a sense of the successful orderliness or forming the sense of tranquility (Kopitov and Faingloz, 2008). It is necessary to consider that one makes the largest errors when passing the 2nd error type (Duck, 2002). Thus, one should consider the fact that sometimes the probabilistic approach makes us reject exactly what is the most important. At the beginning, one uses the true system of principles as productive resources. According to this system, it is necessary to check any idea for errors of the 1st and 2nd error types (Kopitov, 2010c), then under the elaborated system one should take into account and reflect the emotional actions forming the foundation of comprehensive measures of organizational diagnosis (Neave, 1990; Prigozhin, 2003).

By investigating the essence of errors made with regards to structure elaboration in the course of creation of a complicated system it is necessary to reveal the elements of fortuity (Duck, 2002; Prigozhin, 2007; Freidina, 2008). As a rule, the ignorance of errors is connected with some disregard of abstraction. Thus, a low level of disengagement can be reflected in a system's functioning in a negative way in respect of the description of the system in rare cases, but such cases can yield unpredictable results. All the above-mentioned statements bind us to come to evaluation of the influence of rare cases on the whole. The existing asymmetry characteristic of large-scale events requires focusing on consequences, events rather than the probability of their occurrence.

The idea of the fortuity presence or an unpredictable event becomes important only after taking into account a great deal of circumstances. One should interpret such an event only after the determination of the content even in the presence of analytical tools. One can speak about the presence of tools allowing to declare the availability of diagnosis measures of large-scale events at an enterprise following the elaboration of absolute norms on the basis of which substantiated opinions are worked out.

Such norms, which limit referential activities, are set according to the ideals of the referential process under the rule where the linear process in practice is not the norm. Thus, in the managerial technique one pays much attention to values and beliefs with the help of which managerial norms should be accepted with a certain level of responsibility (Kopitov, 2010a). For this reason, ideal norms should be finally brought to absolute norms. Mechanisms of such action axioms narrowing the norms acceptance process to absolute norms comprehension are implemented. Such an axiomatic process in judgments allows implementing only the kind of information which is included in the axioms. In the formats of constructive design, it gives the possibility to come to the formation of strict thinking based on the development of new norms allowing to judge about a reliable organizational structure and also to improve traditional design.

4. General considerations about the axioms of building of an organizational structure

Axioms simplify the properties existing in imagination of one's notions from the position of an organization's structure. Although such structures do not exist explicitly in the real world, the objects and phenomena leading to this notion certainly exist. One can tell that axioms are the manager's baggage with the help of which one would create a reliable structure supporting the conformity of referential activities to the referential process. By axioms, one points to the laws to which the referential activity and the referential process are subordinated under their joining up in the one structure's formats.

As regards the elaboration of axioms connected with formation of an organizational structure, one will take into account conditions 1-3 revealed in Section 3. The proposed axioms should not contradict each other. Besides, the axioms should reflect the essence of properties of reality. Indicated ideal objects and relations of the axiomatic approach which does not need the evidence serve as the reflection of this essence of reality. Power in management is needed in order to proclaim axioms. It is the main problem of setting managerial axioms. Truths are immutable in management as they are appropriate to the real world. Thus, they should not be conducted on the basis of a limited number of observations. In other words, it is impossible to implement the mechanisms of incomplete induction.

The technique proposing axioms, axiomatic measures and metrics for measuring a reliable organizational structure in addition to the basic concepts requires introduction of the concept of a real number. It should be noted that all concepts can be interpreted through the concept of each other. Hence, in this case there is an exclusive circle the way out of which should be found very carefully. As a characteristic feature of primacy one should consider not the way out of its emergency, but the means of communicating information about it in the course of transfer of knowledge. Moreover, one should require that definitions must contain detailed information on the definition of concepts. It must be so comprehensive that a person who did not previously know about this concept could have a correct idea about it solely from the proposed definition.

5. Managerial axioms for building organizational structures

The rationale for the standard structure of binding of a reference to the referential process is based on the proposed system of managerial axioms. The axioms are included in such a system. The content of the axioms takes into account the genealogy of concepts in the chosen sequence of objects built on the basis of the reproduction of these objects rather than linguistic etymology of terms.

The main line used to generate managerial axioms includes elaboration of general logic tools for the structural and systematic study of existing and developed objects. This is the case when deployment of initial structures erroneously focuses on the standards of natural science objects. In the end, instead of four major entities, namely, an object, knowledge of it, its contents and uniqueness, we have as a subject the essence which is mixed together in a confusing way, also built on the basis of reference designs.

Typological differences and incompatibility of an object and knowledge about this object as well as knowledge content, internal homogeneity and uniqueness of the object should be brought to the axioms of deployment of organizational structures.

Axiom 1 (A 1): There is no control of ordered pairs. A non-ordered air consisting of objects a and b is simply a collection, heap, set, etc. containing these two objects, and there is no difference in the roles of these objects. Therefore, it is meaningless to ask, which one of them is the first, or the second, the major or the minor one. The non-ordered air of objects a and b is denoted by entering their names in curly brackets {a,b}. One can make one non-ordered couple from two objects, thus {a,b}={b,a}. The binomial, understood as the name of a pair of objects, is used as the name of a non-ordered pair composed of these objects. Thus, two objects are given. One should express a denominative proposal about the given pair of objects, at least one proposal which does not contain anything other than its name. In any case, in order to mention any pair of objects, one should give this pair a name. The creation of such a name is the task of giving a name to a pair in a given context. The integrity of the proposed circumstances influences the choice of the name. Let us clarify the set task by focusing to a pair of objects. One is required to name this pair in any context. The given formulation is too short and needs to be explained. We need to explain this in detail. Firstly, the word 'object' should be understood in the widest sense, including not only material objects but also abstract essences, shortly, everything which could be talked about and could serve as the referent. The referent of any name could be called an object which is designated by this name (reference assumes relatedness; the word 'referent' means a completely identified characteristic it is the complete coincidence of spiritual values, etc.). The word 'name' is understood in the broadest sense, it can be not only a proper noun, as opposed to a common noun, but also any expression indicated as an object in a given context.

Axiom 2 (A2): Ensuring the unity of referential activities and the referential process. It is customary to consider two opposite categories implemented for the purpose of understanding of the determination of the effect formed on the basis of the choice design 'or/or' in traditional management. Comprehension of categories consists in identifying etymological essence. In this sense disclosure lies in identifying the etymological essence. Thus, sense disclosure is due to the formation of a linear process manifested in formation of a sequence of events. Such events are interpreted as indicators of certain trends directed to the recognition of priority of one of two categories. The excessive increase in a trend leads to an erroneous result connected with the wrong choice of the preferred privileged category. Thus, it is necessary to go beyond existing traditional formats. The fundamental idea by Derrid (Cummings, 2005) consists in the statement that valuable beliefs are constructed on the basis of unresolved conceptual oppositions in order to face uncertainty in their understanding of the specific. This occurs due to the structuring of oppositions in the course of giving value to history, and then giving one of them the preferential status which quietly takes root and part of everyday life. Thus, conditions for peaceful coexistence of two opposing categories at the background of a rigid hierarchy are created as one of the categories controls the other one and takes precedence over it. In other words, one element in the hierarchy is privileged, but the other one is marginal. The existence of a marginal (or pending) factor allows to remove the arising contradiction due to a change in the places of categories in the established hierarchy. The isolation of one element by a privileged one is temporary. The isolated element has the pending preference status and is in the condition of favorable possibility expectation to take the privileged position. It will allow for revealing not only primary categories, but also for understanding that together they represent a common definition where both categories supplement each other, one category cannot exist without the other one.

Axiom 3 (A3): The arrangement of a managerial structure begins after the adoption of its principles. Principles preclude manipulations and thus are the foundation of an organizational structure (Kopitov, 2010b; Kopitov, 2010c). A caring attitude to understanding is formed with the help of a scheme of DIKW principles by adding a new property to the level of knowledge (Ackoff, 1970). Such an attitude is the necessary basis for transmission to the status of a person implementing fundamental changes but not an individual well oriented in universal managerial laws. Each enterprise is unique, which requires a talent and methodological literacy from by a structure's developer. A methodology leading to managerial principles represents not merely teaching about tools and methods of cognition and activities, but also sets a special form of an organization, and in this sense it determines the framework of the whole cognitive activities and vital function of people by offering the possibility to answer the question: 'What to do?' It is the essence of the approach to structure objectification (filling it with substance) that makes the referential group closer to an organizational structure. As management is implemented in the formats of a given norm scale, principles do not justify their way of life if one goes from norms to activities. Principles should be built by taking into account their independent value oriented to ideal objects, they should reflect new schemes and knowledge of cognitive activities, to bring new approaches, beliefs and new ways of life. Thus principles should realize. Therefore, the managerial principle could lead to a symbolic form created constructively for providing with natural cognitive activity. Such an activity has a content which is objectified by the procedure of objectification of referential activities following specification of the referential process. A structure requires a special methodology built on the formation of new principles demanding opening of the content and objectification of this content. Thus, the structure is needed for ensuring harmonization and principles of its existence. Objectification should be interpreted as 'giving the sufficient hardness of the content on the level of principles'. The 'hard content' is formed by the consistency of an idea with filtered ideals on the level of principles. The idea represents the coincidence of a notion to objectivity in the formats of a set form closely connected with the nature of a reflected phenomenon and the quality of the outlook of the organizer's method. The content passes into a form under the circumstances stipulating the correspondence of a depicted object to objectivity of reality laws.

Axiom 4 (A4): Ensuring prudent conformity. Traditionally, conformity characterizes the readiness of a person to give up the real or imaginary pressure of a group manifested in a change of his/her behavior and opinions despite the initially non-matching majority position. Such a readiness is formed in the course of individual acquisition of the norms, social phenomenon evaluation criteria, initial principles of the attitude to reality formation as set in a team. The existing norms should not contradict the established principles of formation of a circumspect, reasonable, action-deliberate attitude towards reality perception. Principles and rules could be connected only with specific situations through the perception of a certain kind born from prudence being the result of a reflexive understanding of one's own purpose of life and own experience in similar situations. Firstly, one should correspond to some standards based on real emotions consisting of real feelings, wishes and plans for revealing the real roles showing the truth of produced actions. Thus, one should abide by certain rules established on the basis of circumstances stipulated by the prevailing experience and diversity of the actions which are logical, internally substantiated, consistent and possible in reality. All the above-mentioned statements will allow to create some conditions for a timely commission of natural and justified actions giving the feeling of novelty and pleasure of the committed action. Ultimately, it is possible to decrease the problems revealed by maximum concentration, increased surveillance, and orientation to the actions that are free from patterns ensuring freedom for a creative potential development in the course of solving the upcoming task. Thus, one can save values as referential activities have a collective character, where each participant works together with partners. Participants should trust, help each other and support their participation in the referential process. All the above-mentioned characteristics are inherent to authentic organizations, where responsibilities and duties are distributed by providing independence against the background of implementation of collaboration taking into account an individual contribution to encouragement of a greater responsibility (Kets de Vris, 2001).

Axiom 5 (A5): The denial of the excluded middle principle. According to the research by Kolmogoroff (1925) and Uspensky (2011) the principle of the excluded middle does not lead to a contradiction thanks to the proof of consistency, which uses a presumption of another system's consistency. The presumption is based on the provisions which are considered true, but remain unproven. Hence, the presumption of innocence states that the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. That means that the defendant must not prove his innocence, but, on the contrary, the prosecution must provide reasonable and legally impeccable evidence against the defendant. According to the rule of negation of negation, development takes place in cycles consisting of three stages: the initial state of the object; turning into its opposite (negation); contrasting with its opposite (negation of negation). The statements built in such a way are worked out on the basis of the implication which represents a logical operation making a complicated statement consist of two propositions connected by a logical link which corresponds to the expression 'If..., then...' Thus, a new question appears: 'What logical laws are fair for the propositions the denial of which does not make sense?' The matter is that we are not interested in the propositions where the sense of the denial has a sense, but we are interested in some positions characterized by some event in space. The given approach characterizes the so-called 'traffic light effect', with three colors being of interest. Each color symbolizes one of possible three colors of the degree of situations' favorability which are analyzed in the composition of the construction 'and/and/and'. The conditional maneuvering occurs in the formats establishing borders after revealing scale circumstances, determining major motivators, and clarifying the character of fundamental changes. In other words, by investigating extremely scaled events (they can be extremely favorable as well as extremely unfavorable), one should be able to position any situation in a certain space. However, in these cases the subject of intuitionistic logic disappears, because now the principle of the excluded middle is true for all propositions where the denial has a sense generally.

The offered propositions for a system of axioms intended for the formation of a general proposition whose verity is evident for making further conclusions on the establishment of a reliable organizational structure.

6. Axiomatic metrics and measuring reliability of an organizational structure

The proposed design axioms allow for controlling measurements in a new fashion even if it is impossible to measure their accuracy. A reliable information is prepared on the basis of the axioms in the course of clarification of concepts and reproduction of properties. Such a kind of information is obtained under the direct structure design thanks to the combination of two types of data: rigid data (with data used as a basis for description, but not for explanation); and soft data (they are subjective and uncertain and serve for the explanation of rigid facts). If data are reliable and are obtained at the right time, then they should be checked because in the course of measuring some data are lost. It is appropriate to ask the question: 'What have we lost by a lot of facts bringing to one?' Nuances are smoothed in a similar manner, that is why rigid data should not drive out soft information. The axiomatic approach allows for paying attention to the facts which were filtered and which remained off the screen.

An organizational structure is built by taking into account the mazes that fall under usual design. The axioms of constructive design allow for joining successive aggregates of different scale events together in the form of synthesis. These events make a single organization and integrated systems ensuring organizational service and functioning on the basis of a built structure. A managerial system becomes reliable as it obtains 'the feeling of integration', which cannot be achieved by a manager detached from reality (Duck, 2002; Mintzberg, 1983). The synthesis obsession is the pledge of a reliable structure, the methodology of which faces the collective mind, which is considered as a certain challenge to a contemporary authentic organization. The reliability of such an organization consists of its possibility to support functioning in extremely scaled circumstances making a certain context. The poor performance of the strategy implementation (less than 10%) is caused by the lack of the right influence on such circumstances (Kaplan, Norton, 2006; Neave, 1990). In other words, it is caused by the lack of measures of reproduction of the major organizational property namely, its selforganization, under such conditions. In the course of organizational activities, a description of reliable information should be obtained and serve as a base on which one should reproduce the properties of self-organization in extremely favorable situations as well as in extremely unfavorable situations.

The major error of implementation of the wrong information consists in the exposure of incorrect values. The value-goal setting is improperly connected with its idealization. In fact, errors cause the ideals established under the absence of ideals patterns the signs of whole concepts. Implementing axioms of constructive design allows to expose accurately the patterns of ideals, to add 'the feeling of integration', bring the future organization closer to reality.

As a result, one can reproduce the major property of an organization based on a reliable fundamental information determining 'organizational psyche'. Organizational psyche can be equal to the major property of an organization, namely, its self-organization. Such a statement has a firm ground as it is based on a rigid methodology with the help of which the contextual environment content becomes known. Accepted axioms act and substantiated principles are established in such a contextual environment.

According to Mintzberg (2009), if one relies on a reliable information, he/she can choose an appropriate style. If a value is chosen as the measuring instrument of a style, the results of an organization being built are determined by measuring progress, which could exceed the established objective. This value allows to a metric thanks to which the results of activities are not mixed with the activities.

The referential process as labor description becomes more important than the efficacy and represents its performance expressed in the value equivalent (Cokins, 2004). In this case, the final products determining referential activities in the aggregate correspond to the efficiency measured on the value base (Barnard, 1948). The activity added by the process comes to elaboration of the individual methodology tending to substantiation of a structure, which should be implemented in the format of a specific enterprise.

The enterprise's value P[V.sup.project] allows to synchronize an objective at the efficiency level [PV.sup.project] {Ef [??] [FV.sup.(1)];[WACC.sup.(1)][IRR.sup.(1)]} at the time t with the result established as the parameter called 'performance' at the same moment of time [PV.sub.project] {Pf [??] [FV.sup.(2)];[WACC.sup.(2)]; [IRR.sup.(2)]}. The synchronization operation is carried out under the motto confirming the essence of the proposed approach 'Act performance effectively, do it performanly!'

Different methods of value measurement are implemented, one is forced to implement different notions about progress or different value metrics (Copeland, Dolgoff, 2006; Andriessen, Tissen 2000; Doyle, 2000). It is possible to try to select the properties which are inherent to all possible enterprise costs measurement methods. There are 3 such properties. Firstly, an enterprise's costs are equal to zero at any moment of time till the same exact time, but non-discounted costs of the enterprise in different periods of time cannot be not equal to zero. Secondly, the absolute difference of non-discounted costs from one moment of time [t.sub.1] to another moment of time [t.sub.2] is equal to the absolute difference of non-discounted costs from the second moment of time [t.sub.2]. Thirdly, we cannot shorten or increase the enterprise's non-discounted costs if one carries out an additional measurement at the intermediate period of time trapped between [t.sub.2] and [t.sub.1]. All properties in the above-mentioned cases are formalized in the form of metric axioms. We to the function relating time to the difference of the enterprise's discounted costs as the metrics.

The cost metric axiom allows to judge about the dynamics of the referential process's efficiency as well as about the referential activity's efficacy.

Besides the axiomatic metric, a value is the subject of the measurement axioms, the major property of which being its additivity (it can be final or counted). As a measure determining an organizational structure's reliability, the ratio of the minimum value of an enterprise's value on the basis of efficiency or the enterprise's value on the basis of performance to the maximum cost of these quantities is used:

[Ros.sub.t] = min([PV.sub.project][{Ef}.sub.t];[PV.sub.project][{Pf.sub.t}])/ max([PV.sub.project][{Ef}.sub.t];[PV.sub.project][{Pf.sub.t}])

The revealed mechanisms allow to axiomatically understand the problems appearing in the structure and separated intentionally from operational judgements. It allows to come to reproduction of activities through the straightforward process by synchronizing it with the knowledge available of a reverse process.


As a result, a structure built with the help of the revealed axioms representing substance which allows to tune a description to reality. The implementation of constructive design axioms ensuring organizational development and functioning in the package of service measures allows the developers of an enterprise's organizational structure to acquire their own unconscious methodology.

It has proved possible to manage the achievement of a goal and to solve several conceptual tasks with the help of such a methodology. The necessary axioms and principles of management have been identified and the criteria of controllability have been accurately elaborated on the basis of rigorous evidence and obvious statements, which adds a substantial weight to the management theory. One can determine the expressions correctly built and formed by the theory's language. This set is provided by structural funds and, thus, can be solved and transferred. The selected axioms allow to set rules for the theory output: [PV.sub.project] ([A.sub.1],..., [A.sub.5], Ros).

The implemented cost estimation methods of efficiency and performance allow to develop iteratively an opinion about the value under the influence of forces acting on the activity object by establishing a certain action order for realization of the main purpose.

As an illustration of the practical significance of the proposed approach, the final activities' estimation results of a Latvian transport enterprise are demonstrated:

[Ros.sub.l(2008))] = 0.91 [Ros.sub.2(2009)] = 0.88; [Ros.sub.3(2010)] = 0.95; [Ros.sub.4(2011)] = 0.91 [Ros.sub.5(2012)] = 0.94.

The obtained results allow to judge about the created structure's reliability allowing for a more accurate reproduction of the activities under investigation the help of the axioms clarifying the initial notions' properties opening up the essence of the real world's laws in the course of synthesis of the form and the content during the investigation of the referential process's efficiency, while the removal of uncertainty allows to investigate truth at the time of the efficacy measurement of referential activities. 10.520/ibl.2012.09


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Rostislav KOPITOV

Professor, Doctor of Science

Head of Management Science Department Transport and Telecommunication Institute

Lomonosov Str. 1, LV-1019 Riga, Latvia

E-mail: [email protected]; tel.: +371 6710 0585

Received 30 January 2012; accepted 22 May 2012

Short biographical notes

Rostislav Kopitov, Dr., Professor, the Head of the Management Science Department at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute in Riga. The Head of the Management Science Bachelor's Programe and the Head of the Management Science Master's Programe at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute.

First degree in civil engineering, Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (1979), Candidate of Science (1992), Doctor (1993). The author of more than 160 scientific works and articles.

Research interests include management methodology, effectiveness and performance of management systems, management of analytical and consulting activities, value-based management, development and adaptation of financial and business instruments, decision-making in complex systems.
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Author:Kopitov, Rostislav
Publication:Issues of Business and Law
Date:Jan 1, 2012
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