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The Australian government has launched a new online directory that contains information about engineers who can help companies diagnose and solve Y2K problems. The site is available at The Federation Against Software Theft (FAST), a UK organisation that promotes the legal use of software, has redesigned its web site. Now incorporating a new graphical look and easier navigation, the site contains information about software licensing and piracy and provides forms for visitors to report suspicious software. The site can be found at The Hong Kong Futures Exchange has started to publish on its web site reports with data on all futures and options traded at the exchange. The reports can be found at under 'datastat/data'., an online news and business information resource produced by the Financial Times, has been redesigned. The site, available at, now offers an improved structure with a streamlined homepage, as well as consistent navigation throughout. TBS, an advertising agency, has launched a web site that is targeted specifically at the life sciences, pharmaceutical and medical industries. PharmiWeb, available at, offers industry news, career development services and an appointments section. SBP (Survey of Buying Power)-ONLINE, an interactive US-based service that offers detailed demographic profiles of geographic areas, market ranking and custom mapping results, has been updated with retail expenditure results for 1998. The site can be found at East Midlands Airport has gone online. The UK airport's web site, which can be found at , offers a guide to facilities at the airport's terminal, scheduled and holiday flight information as well as travelling tips. Qantas, the Australian airline, has made available an online booking service for travel on its domestic network. The service can be found through the company's site at Excite has agreed to provide the channel content and Internet search for UK food retailer Tesco's new combined Internet shopping and ISP web site. The site, available at, will include news, sport, weather, lifestyle and investment channels as well as entertainment and chat channels. The Indian government says that in order to make its accounting practices more transparent it has launched a new web site, at, which will provide monthly financial data on the central government's operations. Poppleston Allen, a UK licensing law firm, has launched a new web site at, which includes a free guide to licensing law, an interactive questions and answers section, news relating to licensing law as well as a library of published articles on the subject. The Portman Group, an initiative against alcohol misuse supported by the UK alcoholic drinks industry, has launched a web site at The site will provide advice on sensible drinking, information about the group's 1999 programme as well as online ordering for free publications and campaign materials.
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Publication:Internet Business News
Date:Mar 1, 1999
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