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'Farage and Assange data stick secret'.

Byline: ANDREW GREGORY Political Editor

NIGEL Farage allegedly had a series of secret meetings with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

It is claimed Mr Farage gave him a USB stick containing data at Ecuador's embassy in London. The former UKIP leader called the accusations "conspiratorial nonsense".

They were made by a co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm behind a dossier into Donald Trump's alleged links with Russia.

Glenn Simpson told a US Congress probe he thinks WikiLeaks was part of a relationship between Trump's team and UKIP.

He added he was told there was more than the one reported visit by Mr Farage to the embassy where Mr Assange has lived to avoid extradition.


CLAIMS Farage & Assange

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Publication:The Mirror (London, England)
Date:Jan 20, 2018
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