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"Customer service".

MTC logistics welcomes our new Director of Customer Service, Dawn Speakman. Dawn comes to MTC Logistics with 13 years of experience managing customer service. Her professional management experience in employment and employee relations, human resources, safety, and training has developed her leadership skills into a proven track record of creating a positive teamwork oriented environment with a low departmental turnover rate. Dawn's role within the company will be to develop, implement and monitor standardized processes in customer service to ensure customer satisfaction and operational efficiencies. Ken Johnson, Vice President of Operations, says, "Dawn is a perfect fit within our organization, and with her leadership skills, she will enhance and continue to build our customer service team so we will further reach our company mission and vision of being a worldclass logistics organization that is considered to be an essential department of our customer."

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Title Annotation:People; appointment of Dawn Speakman at MTC logistics
Comment:"Customer service".(People)(appointment of Dawn Speakman at MTC logistics )
Publication:Frozen Food Digest
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Apr 1, 2011
Previous Article:"Improved efficiency".
Next Article:"100% Organic".

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