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Powered by two engines: a twin-engine aircraft.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
A twin-engine turboprop aircraft operated by US Airways made an emergency landing at Philadelphia International Airport yesterday (15 January).
Upon reaching the flight deck for launch, an AD Skyraider pilot saw his aircraft on the number one catapult with a twin-engine AJ Savage on number two and another AJ parked behind his AD-5W.
The Ryanair Boeing 737 twin-engine jet, flying from Tampere in Finland to London, England, had reportedly developed engine trouble and executed a safe emergency landing at Malmo airport.
The twin-engine Squirrel crashed near Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hampshire.
To the untrained eye, VR-48's two C-20Gs resemble oversized versions of the twin-engine Lear jets frequently used to shuttle corporate executives around the globe.
The twin-engine Airbus A330 aircraft returned to the Miami airport and no injuries were reported.
The American Gruver sisters died when a small twin-engine plane being piloted by their father crashed and exploded shortly after take-off in New Hampshire at the beginning of the week.
An SH-60B Seahawk from HSL-43 assigned to Bunker Hill (CG 52) rescued a civilian pilot on 23 May after his twin-engine aircraft crashed into the ocean approximately 200 miles off the southern California coast.
The private twin-engine aircraft was carrying 15 passengers, including the Dixie Chicks country band, and a pilot, co-pilot and flight attendant.