twin paradox

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twin paradox

(General Physics) a phenomenon predicted by relativity. One of a pair of identical twins is supposed to live normally in an inertial system whilst the other is accelerated to a high speed in a spaceship, travels for a long time, and finally returns to rest beside his twin. The travelled twin will be found to be younger than his brother
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It should also be noted that Hafele et al [17] in their time dilation "twin paradox" experiment applied a correction for centripetal acceleration to their experimental results.
Chapters are: untimely; omore Einsteinian than Einsteino; science or philosophy?; the twin paradox; BergsonAEs AchillesAE heel; worth mentioning?; Bergson writes to Lorentz; Bergson meets Michelson; the debate spreads; back from Paris; two months later; logical positivism; the immediate aftermath; an imaginary dialogue; ofull-bloodedo time; the previous spring; the church; the end of universal time; quantum mechanics; things; clocks and wristwatches; telegraph, telephone, and radio; atoms and molecules; EinsteinAEs films; BergsonAEs movies; microbes and ghosts; one new point; BergsonAEs last comments; EinsteinAEs last thoughts.
The most obvious challenge to the logical consistency of the theory is known as the "Twin Paradox".
( 'CSI Crime Scene Investigation' Season 15 Recap: Episode 6 'The Twin Paradox' Aired On Nov.
The book's sloppiness reaches its nadir in the entry for Einstein's famous equation E = [mc.sup.2], which gets the equation's typography wrong (erroneously capitalizing M and C) and then describes it, incorrectly, as "the basis for the nuclear reaction." The entry goes on (again incorrectly) to describe the "twin paradox" at the heart of Time for the Stars (1956) as an outgrowth of the equation, conflating the special and general theories of relativity in the process, and states that the slowing of time with increasing velocity is "speculation" (50-51), despite multiple experimental confirmations of such time dilation since the 1970s.
Relativity with its weird 'Twin Paradox', constancy of the speed of light and the interchangebility between mass and energy (E=[mc.sup.2]) enthralls the public and scientists alike.
A good example is the famous twin paradox of relativity.
In a setting similar to the well-known twin paradox of SR, but where both twins are traveling in spaceships, the total amount of changes between their separation and reunion (i.e.
Bringing in the "Twin Paradox" and other such paradoxes, chapter 3 deals with time dilation (moving clocks run slow when measured by clocks at rest) and length contraction.
(See "The Twin Paradox," May.) No one has come up with a terribly plausible scenario of when human cloning might occur.
He uncovered the two striking and seemingly incompatible correlations now known collectively as Doppelganger's Twin Paradox. He found that