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Noun1.tribalization - the act of making tribaltribalization - the act of making tribal; unification on a tribal basis
jointure, uniting, unification, conjugation, union - the act of making or becoming a single unit; "the union of opposing factions"; "he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays"
detribalisation, detribalization - the decline or termination of tribal organization
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It is the supreme duty of all citizens and the Canadian leadership to seek to protect Canada from the preventable evils of tribalization and environmental degradation emanating from misguided laws on citizenship and immigration which have been enacted based on ideologies.
These divides could be religious and/or regional, but the most well-known way in which Europeans created and solidified social divisions was the tribalization of African societies.
Some are quick to blame a 'tribalization' of America where groupthink reigns.
Partisan politics has turned into political 'tribalization.' The common good is one of the first casualties,' Tagle said, lamenting, at the same time, the continued spread of fake news in a letter to Manila's parishes.
correlation between the global tribalization of the media and the
Grillot labels the "long tribalization of Indian nations" and
Rather than the machinations of some sort of imperial master plan for the racialization and tribalization of eastern African populations, therefore, such an approach usefully draws our attention to the often fraught, contingent ways in which such taxonomies can be formed via iterative engagements between prevailing 'scientific' theories and the desire to pursue 'administrative convenience' within the day-to-day realities of colonial governance.
(2000) proposed two possible explanations for these observations: (a) the APOE [epsilon]2 allele was present in the founding native American populations at very low frequencies and either was lost from some groups during the process of tribalization or was not identified due to restricted sample sizes; (b) the presence of the APOE [epsilon]2-allele is due to mixing with non-Indians [48].
In his book The Dis-Uniting of America, the late historian Arthur Schlesinger (1992) writes, "If the republic now turns away from Washington's old goal of "one people," what is its future?-disintegration of the national community, apartheid, Balkanization, tribalization?"(p.118).
Given the tribalization of political discourse that tends to follow the collapse of such cosmopolitan systems, it's hard to not empathize.
In the same vein, in addressing Dr Riek Machar, you had this to say: "So Dr Riek Machar, your vision for South Sudan was thwarted by your disagreement with Dr Akol, your eventual split and your consequential tribalization of the national agenda".