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Noun1.tribalisation - the act of making tribaltribalisation - the act of making tribal; unification on a tribal basis
jointure, uniting, unification, conjugation, union - the act of making or becoming a single unit; "the union of opposing factions"; "he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays"
detribalisation, detribalization - the decline or termination of tribal organization
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References in periodicals archive ?
THE current hullabaloo in the polity of Nigeria is due to selective mode of probe and prosecution of looters, as well as tribalisation of appointments into core agencies and parastatals of government.
Tribal marketing: The tribalisation of society and its impact on the conduct of marketing.
Partisan politics has turned into political 'tribalisation'.
Le deferlement du [beaucoup moins que] printemps arabe [beaucoup plus grand que] est l'expression de la strategie imperiale qui vise, pour la satisfaction des interets des Etats-Unis et de son protege israelien, la [beaucoup moins que] tribalisation [beaucoup plus grand que] du monde arabe livre aux effets cataclysmiques du communautarisme et du confessionnalisme.
Cova, Bernard and Cova, Veronique (2002) "Tribal marketing as the tribalisation of society and its impact on the conduct of marketing".
"Tribal Marketing: The Tribalisation of Society and Its Impact on the Conduct of Marketing." European Journal of Marketing 36 (5/6): 595-620.
The governor however said the rebel strategy of conflict tribalisation has therefore failed "because millions of Nuer have comprehended that, Riek Machar and Taban Deng always shed blood to acquire positions and wealth and they get nothing from them in return," he said.
The tribalisation of power has generated a rejection of the symbols of power -- the state and its security apparatus.
Les dynamiques inherentes a la sequence socio-historique actuelle indiquent une compression du temps et de l'espace qui font que l'on parle de la tribalisation du monde.
(New York: Routledge, 2001) 47 notes: "On the other hand we can identify a completely opposed reaction [to globalization] in many parts of the world: cultural and religious fundamentalism, neo-nationalism, and the increasing ethnification of the political discourse, in short what Friedman has referred to as the 'Balkanisation and tribalisation experienced at the bottom of the system' (Friedman 1997:85).