training wheels

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training wheels

A pair of small wheels attached to the rear axle of a bicycle so that beginning riders can ride without falling over.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Basically, I consider Revenge Body almost like you're riding a bike with training wheels. And then when you're gone, we just take off the training wheels.
It doesn't matter if you've got a racing bike or if you're still on training wheels: There's a spot for you on Saturday in the second annual Bike Bloomingdale.
He will have to get his backroom staff right, have a lot of luck and be at it from day one, because these aren't training wheels.
I rolled over to the motorcycle and had an "aha" moment when I saw what looked like training wheels on the bike.
Just like that, Scottie Thompson's training wheels were off and his ride with the big boys immediately started.
A while ago I tried to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels. I tried for the first time and unfortunately I tipped right over.
A BEAR AND MOLE STORY (9780823425204, $16.95) tells of Mole, who is set to ride his bike with no training wheels. He's ready; but is the rest of the world?
A historical novel seemed a good gateway to fiction--fiction with training wheels."
They struck at 12.04pm on Thursday taking the bike which is a red and white Pinarello model with an FP3 Carbon frame and deep section carbon training wheels.
When Englishman Andy Loveland's son turned three, his father wanted to teach him to ride a bike, but without training wheels. So, combining British innovation with American West Coast style, he came up with the Early Rider, a no-pedal, no-training wheels chopper-style bicycle made of birchwood that exceeds all U.S.

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