training shoes

training shoes

pl n
1. (General Sporting Terms) running shoes for sports training, esp in contrast to studded or spiked shoes worn for the sport itself
2. (Clothing & Fashion) shoes in the style of those used for sports training
Also called: trainers
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
UK Gear's training shoes have now been adopted by military personnel worldwide.
'On each occasion, he has been wearing a fleece jacket, shorts and training shoes.'
THE grim discovery of a pair of training shoes - with the remains of human feet still inside them - could solve one of rock and roll's greatest mysteries.
The dead woman was clothed in jogging bottoms, training shoes and a blue jacket.
He wore a light coloured shirt, jeans and white training shoes.
The man, who is white, "of proportionate build" had short cropped hair and was wearing black training shoes.
Heelies - training shoes with wheels in the soles - are the must-have accessory.
He was wearing a dark baseball cap, a blue, mid-thigh-length jacket and white training shoes.
He wore a black jacket and distinctive shiny blue running training shoes. The other three men are believed to be white and wore jeans and training shoes.
But after her mum's remarks about genes, if I was one of their brood, I'd eat my shorts, burn my training shoes, plonk myself in front of the TV, stuff hamburgers in my mouth and plan a career as an Olympic couch potato.
When last seen he was wearing a white and red polo top, navy tracksuit bottoms and training shoes.

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