spinach beet

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Noun1.spinach beet - beet lacking swollen rootspinach beet - beet lacking swollen root; grown as a vegetable for its edible leaves and stalks
chard, leaf beet, spinach beet, Swiss chard - long succulent whitish stalks with large green leaves
beet, Beta vulgaris, common beet - biennial Eurasian plant usually having a swollen edible root; widely cultivated as a food crop
2.spinach beet - long succulent whitish stalks with large green leaves
greens, leafy vegetable, green - any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables
Beta vulgaris cicla, chard, chard plant, leaf beet, spinach beet, Swiss chard - beet lacking swollen root; grown as a vegetable for its edible leaves and stalks
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References in periodicals archive ?
For this investigation leafy vegetable crop, spinach beet, Pusa Jyothi variety was sown in pot experiments followed completely randomized block design with four treatments and three replications.
Sow spinach beet or true spinach until early September to crop from November until spring.
Sugar beet is the most important of several crops, including spinach beet, Swiss chard, garden beet (beetroot) and fodder beet, within Beta vulgaris species (Gill and Vear, 1980).
Pick: Forced rhubarb will be deliciously sweet and tender by now and any covered crops of the tender young spears of spinach beet and spring onions will be ready for harvesting.
Sow spinach beet or true spinach until early September, and sow overwintering onions for harvesting early next summer.
EASY VEGETABLES TO GROW Potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, broad beans, runner beans, spinach beet, onions from sets, shallots, garlic, lettuce, marrows, courgettes, pumpkins, bush tomatoes.
GARDENING CHORES Sow spinach beet for a summer crop.
Perpetual spinach or spinach beet can be sown as well, along with winter-hardy prickly spinach.
* Sow a final crop of carrots, lettuce, radish and spinach beet.