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1. A movable device, especially a framed construction such as a room divider or a decorative panel, designed to divide, conceal, or protect.
2. One that serves to protect, conceal, or divide: Security guards formed a screen around the president. A screen of evergreens afforded privacy from our neighbors.
a. A surface, as on a smartphone, television, or computer monitor, on which one can read and view electronically displayed information and images.
b. A surface on which text and images are projected for display.
c. The medium in which movies are shown: a star of stage and screen.
4. A coarse sieve used for sifting out fine particles, as of sand, gravel, or coal.
5. A system for preliminary appraisal and selection of personnel as to their suitability for particular jobs.
6. A window or door insertion of framed wire or plastic mesh used to keep out insects and permit air flow.
7. A body of troops or ships sent in advance of or surrounding a larger body to protect or warn of attack.
a. Sports A block, set with the body, that impedes the vision or movement of an opponent.
b. Football A screen pass.
tr.v. screened, screen·ing, screens
1. To show or project (a movie, for example) on a screen.
a. To conceal from view with a screen or something that acts like a screen: "Only a narrow line of brush and saplings screened the broad vista of the marsh" (David M. Carroll). See Synonyms at block.
b. To protect, guard, or shield: "This rose is screened from the wind with burlap" (Anne Raver).
3. To provide with a screen or screens: screen a porch.
a. To separate or sift out (fine particles of sand, for example) by means of a sieve or screen.
b. To sort through and eliminate unwanted examples of (something): a filter that screens email, preventing spam from reaching the inbox.
a. To examine (a job applicant, for example) systematically in order to determine suitability.
b. To test or evaluate (a student) to determine placement in an educational system or to identify specific learning needs.
c. To test or examine for the presence of disease or infection: screen blood; screen a patient.
d. To subject to genetic screening.
6. Sports
a. To block the vision or movement of (an opponent) with the body.
b. To obscure an opponent's view of (a shot) by positioning oneself between the opponent and the shooter.

[Middle English screne, from Old North French escren, from Middle Dutch scherm, shield, screen; see sker- in Indo-European roots.]

screen′a·ble adj.
screen′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Concealed from view:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
A piece of coarse canvas screened the opening between the two rooms in place of the door.
The HM/BHM utilizes a circular throw and gravity to assist with conveying the screened material.
"Some of the evidence allowed us to be a little more flexible," though not to the point of "opening screening widely" to the people who fall outside the core target population rather, clinicians gets to have a little more discretion, "We hope this will lead to more patients being screened in a high-quality way," said in an interview.
CATHERINE W GICHUKI DOHA Altogether, 18,766 women were screened for breast cancer and 14,346 men and women were screened for bowel cancer in between January 31, 2016 and January 31, 2018, according to the Annual Marketing Report 2017.
* During 2010-2016, a total of 359,432 infants in Utah were screened for congenital hypothyroidism, and 130 cases were diagnosed; among these, 98 had an abnormal first screen, and 25 had an abnormal second screen (seven infants were excluded because of missing data).
Any survival benefit from prostate cancer screening must be weighed against the potential harms, including anxiety, complications from prostate biopsy and treatment morbidity.[sup.23] Results from ERSPC suggest that among men aged 55 to 69, 1410 men need to be screened and 48 treated to prevent one death from prostate cancer after nine years of follow-up.[sup.10] Though the number-needed-to-treat will likely decrease with longer follow-up, it is evident that many men with clinically insignificant prostate cancer undergo unnecessary treatments as a result of screening.
More than half a million people each year have been screened for depression since 1991.
They found that in women who could benefit from screening (55-74 years) breast cancer mortality declined by 1 percent per year in the screened areas and by 2 percent per year in the non-screened areas.
Multivariate analysis of the data revealed that being white and married were each independently associated with a threefold greater risk of not being screened.
A multivariate analysis revealed that being white and married were each independently associated with a three fold greater risk of not being screened.
The problem, doctors say, is that many people don't get screened for the cancer when they should.