riding school

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Noun1.riding school - a school where horsemanship is taught and practicedriding school - a school where horsemanship is taught and practiced
school - an educational institution; "the school was founded in 1900"
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riding school

nscuola di equitazione
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References in classic literature ?
That fellow wants everyone to admire him and is very much pleased with himself," she thought, looking at a red-faced clerk, riding on a riding school horse.
"You remember him, Mac, don't you, in the Riding School? How he sat the kicker to be sure!
Rotten Row means `Route de Roi', or the king's way, but now it's more like a riding school than anything else.
These saucer-shaped layers crop out on the margin, forming perfect rings of many different colours, giving to the summit a most fantastic appearance; one of these rings is white and broad, and resembles a course round which horses have been exercised; hence the hill has been called the Devil's Riding School. I brought away specimens of one of the tufaceous layers of a pinkish colour and it is a most extraordinary fact, that Professor Ehrenberg [5] finds it almost wholly composed of matter which has been organized: he detects in it some siliceous-shielded fresh-water infusoria, and no less than twenty-five different kinds of the siliceous tissue of plants, chiefly of grasses.
A CHESHIRE riding school for the disabled is urgently on the look out for volunteer helpers.
IN reply to the letter Put This Idea Out To Grass (01.12.09) on the plight of the Hill family and Saltburn Riding School, the land is public open space and has been used as such for a number of years, although that part of the land is currently leased to the Riding School.
Rachel Wilson, 27, has set up the Lee Hill Saddlery on the same site as the Lee Hill Riding School on Swan Lane, Outlane.
A Visiting a riding school for lessons is very different from having your own pony.
Summary: It will be brought by Vienna's renowned Spanish Riding School
|Father Christmas is set to put in an appearance at Cardiff Riding School tomorrow, December 16.
REGARDING the proposed building of 70 houses on the land at Saltburn Riding School.