Riding hood

A hood formerly worn by women when riding
A kind of cloak with a hood.

See also: Riding, Riding

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
He went with the fairest anticipations, pausing on the threshold to peer through the hole in the little house called "Pay Here," which he thought was Red Riding Hood's residence, and asked politely whether he might see her, but they said she had gone to the wood, and it was quite true, for there she was in the wood gathering a stick for her grandmother's fire.
The animal itself was a peaceful and well-behaved as that father of all picture-wolves, Red Riding Hood's quondam friend, whilst moving her confidence in masquerade.
Therefore I proposed to the children that they should come in and be very good at my table, and I would tell them the story of Little Red Riding Hood while I dressed; which they did, and were as quiet as mice, including Peepy, who awoke opportunely before the appearance of the wolf.
Among these are the fables of "Teddy the Giant Killer," "The Sleeping John Sharp Williams," "Little Red Riding Hood and the Sugar Trust," "Beauty and the Brisbane," "The Seven Aldermen of Ephesus," "Rip Van Fairbanks," and so forth.
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An artist collective from Spain will perform a live multimedia stage show based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" this week at the 20th Taipei Children's Arts Festival currently held being in Taiwan's capital.
Belgian author-illustrator Mario Ramos follows the success of I Am So Strong with this clever take on the tale of Red Riding Hood. A tiny, red-capped figure merrily proceeds through the forest, unperturbed by the appearance of a wolf gleefully anticipating grandmother as a main course and 'little raspberry' for dessert.
But she and Jonah end up falling into a fairy tale - Little Red Riding Hood! When the siblings bump into Little Red, they try to warn her about the wolf, but at Little Red's grandma's house they find a BIG surprise!
Spell-binding Wizard 6-8yrs, Superhero Girl 3-5yrs and 6-8yrs, Little Red Riding Hood 3-5yrs and 6-8yrs, Pirate 3-5yrs and 6-8yrs, all PS4.99 each, Aldi
A NEW adaptation of Red Riding Hood is coming to life with a performance at Djanogly Theatre Lakeside Arts until December 30.
She listened intently as I explained how Little Red Riding Hood set off through the forest with a basket of food for her grandma, who was unwell.
Participants in Northbrook's Bright Star Theatre Company are in their final weeks of preparation for April's performances of "Doo-Wop Red Riding Hood." Starring 12 actors with disabilities and their volunteer "Creative Companions," rehearsals began last September.