References in classic literature ?
I chanced to push aside a branch, and by so doing suddenly disclosed to my view a scene which even now I can recall with all the vividness of the first impression.
But now he may be no better than a Dissenter, and want to push aside my son on pretence of doctrine.
I am going to push aside a portion of the flooring; you will look through the opening, which answers to one of the false windows made in the dome of the king's apartment.
"Is this the Daily News of this evening?" be asked mechanically, as he saw the Hostess push aside a large sheet of paper.
SEAN Dyche says that Burnley have to quickly push aside recent disappointments as their Premier League schedule continues at pace.
DUBAI: Footage of US President Donald Trump appearing to push aside the prime minister of Montenegro at a NATO summit Thursday is making the rounds on social media.
Beirut, (SANA)- Lebanese al-Binaa Newspaper said that Syria's agreement with the Arab League Ministerial Committee last week was a wise step by the Syrian government to push aside any attempt to bring foreigners into Syria.