police force

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police force

See police.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



n., v. -liced, -lic•ing. n.
1. an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws.
2. (used with a pl. v.) members of such a force.
3. the regulation and control of a community, esp. for the maintenance of public order, safety, morals, health, etc.
4. the department of a government concerned with this, esp. with the maintenance of order.
5. any body of people employed to keep order, enforce regulations, etc.
6. people who seek to regulate a specified behavior, activity, practice, etc.: the language police.
a. the cleaning and keeping clean of a military camp, post, etc.
b. the cleanliness of a camp, post, etc.
8. to regulate, control, or keep in order by or as if by means of police.
9. to clean and keep clean (a military camp, post, etc.).
[1520–30; < Middle French: government, civil administration, police < Late Latin polītia citizenship, government, for Latin polītīa; see polity]
pron: Many English words exemplify the original stress rule of Old English and other early Germanic languages, according to which all parts of speech were stressed on the first syllable, except for prefixed verbs, which were stressed on the syllable immediately following the prefix. Although loanwords that exhibit other stress patterns have since been incorporated into English, the older stress pattern remains operative to some degree. For South Midland and Midland U.S. speakers in particular, shifting the stress in borrowed nouns to the first syllable is still an active process, yielding (ˈpoʊ lis) for police and (ˈdi trɔɪt) for Detroit, as well as cement, cigar, guitar, insurance, umbrella, and idea said as (ˈsi mɛnt) (ˈsi gɑr) (ˈgɪt ɑr) (ˈɪn ʃʊər əns) (ˈʌm brɛl ə) and (ˈaɪ diə)
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.police force - the force of policemen and officerspolice force - the force of policemen and officers; "the law came looking for him"
personnel, force - group of people willing to obey orders; "a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens"
European Law Enforcement Organisation, Europol - police organization for the European Union; aims to improve effectiveness and cooperation among European police forces
gendarmerie, gendarmery - French police force; a group of gendarmes or gendarmes collectively
Mutawa, Mutawa'een - religious police in Saudi Arabia whose duty is to ensure strict adherence to established codes of conduct; offenders may be detained indefinitely; foreigners are not excluded
Mounties, RCMP, Royal Canadian Mounted Police - the federal police force of Canada
New Scotland Yard, Scotland Yard - the detective department of the metropolitan police force of London
secret police - a police force that operates in secrecy (usually against persons suspected of treason or sedition)
Schutzstaffel, SS - special police force in Nazi Germany founded as a personal bodyguard for Adolf Hitler in 1925; the SS administered the concentration camps
law enforcement agency - an agency responsible for insuring obedience to the laws
posse, posse comitatus - a temporary police force
police officer, policeman, officer - a member of a police force; "it was an accident, officer"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
policejní sbor

police force

ncorpo di polizia, polizia
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
"You remember the Baker Street division of the detective police force whom I employed in the Jefferson Hope case?"
Ned stopped short, thinking he was to be the victim of a holdup, but his fears were allayed when he beheld one of the police force of Shopton confronting him.
"My dear child--what are you, a rummage sale or a guess-me-quick?--in me you behold the Body- Guard of our gracious Ruler, Princess Ozma, as well as the Royal Army of Oz and the Police Force of the Emerald City."
I'll charter a couple of trading ketches, take my own black police force and as many white men as I cannot prevent from volunteering.
Let each one of you who is prosperous take into his house some thief and treat him as his brother, some unfortunate and treat her as his sister, and San Francisco will need no police force and no magistrates; the prisons will be turned into hospitals, and the criminal will disappear with his crime.
"And this sum of money," the detective said, "is for my services in building up the police force of Tokio?"
Why, we tore holes through the police force, an' the ambulanees and patrol wagons worked over-time.
"It's the Baker Street division of the detective police force," said my companion, gravely; and as he spoke there rushed into the room half a dozen of the dirtiest and most ragged street Arabs that ever I clapped eyes on.
The encounter did not leave behind with Chief Inspector Heat that satisfactory sense of superiority the members of the police force get from the unofficial but intimate side of their intercourse with the criminal classes, by which the vanity of power is soothed, and the vulgar love of domination over our fellow- creatures is flattered as worthily as it deserves.
And Sherbourne died too, while Policeman Phillipps was shot in the leg and discharged from the Oakland police force.
I afterward learned that he had served three years on the traffic-squad of the Chicago police force.
"It is all a question of a force; of establishing communications for a force," replied that adept, affably, ignoring some military mutterings about the police force. "It is what you in the West used to call animal magnetism, but it is much more than that.

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