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Adj.1.organisational - of or relating to an organization; "organizational structure"
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References in periodicals archive ?
24 of 2019 regarding the general organisational structure of the Sharjah Sports Council, SSC.
23 (BNA): The Director General of Organization and Position Budget at Civil Service Bureau (CSB), Jamal Abdulaziz Al-Alawi, confirmed that CSB has completed 1600 different organisational studies during this year, with a rate of completion of 6 studies per day.
The effects of trust in organisation and perceived organisational support on organisational citizenship behaviour: A test of three competing models.
The effect of internal marketing on organisational commitment among retail bank managers.
The questionnaire used in this survey was adapted from several sources and it consisted of four sections: (i) background of M&A and profile of the respondents; (ii) organizational justice items (Niehoff and Moorman, 1993), (iii) organizational culture items (Cameron and Quinn, 2006) and (iv) organisational identification items (Mael and Ashforth, 1992).
Objective: To determine the relationship between psychological empowerment and readiness for organisational change among primary healthcare workers in Iran.
Fredericks "Organisational Climate as a Factor of Productivity in Public and Private Sector Enterprises", Journal of community Guidance and Research, Vol.16 (1), 33-42.
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-July 4, 2011-HumanConcepts introduces new platform for managing organisational change(C)1994-2011 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
WORLDWIDE COMPUTER PRODUCTS NEWS-July 4, 2011-HumanConcepts introduces new platform for managing organisational change(C)1995-2011 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
Organisational stress one of the most important factors influencing the quality and efficiency of the faculty.
and Rhoades, L (2001)," Reciprocation of perceived organisational support", Journal of Applied Psychology, 8(1), 42-51.

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