bargaining level

bargaining level

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) the level within an organizational hierarchy, such as company level, national level, etc, at which collective bargaining takes place
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Furthermore, while the bargaining level has shifted from the national or sectoral level to the enterprise level, in keeping with a more decentralised system, the federal tribunal still plays an important role in setting minimum wages and awards.
The issue of bargaining level and the right to strike is an important one if the coverage of collective bargaining is to increase in Australia.
There are three main objectives of this study: (1) To shed more light on the cooperation process; (2) To challenge the conventional wisdom in the area of cooperation that states' cooperative or non-cooperative behaviors are best understood or explained on the bargaining level, and; (3) To challenge the utility of paradigms, in this case the rational choice paradigm, in the discipline.
I also believe in supporting the voice of nursing at our state collective bargaining level."
Works councils can be characterized by their bargaining level, formality, representation and participation rights.
(4) bargaining level identifies whether agreements are made at site, company
There, however, the wage cost per efficiency unit of labour is independent of the bargaining level. High wages go together with low employment and high labour efficiency.
The study also found that the pay bargaining level was less important for part-time workers than for fulltimers.
This might take the form of a covert control of formally decentralized bargaining, or a formal raising of the bargaining level from the plant to the division; a level of organization at which trade unions had been traditionally weak.
Katz at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology establishes that union-management cooperation can occur at three levels: (1) shop-floor; (2) collective bargaining level; and (3) the strategic or corporate level.