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Related to negatory: aye, notoriety


negating, negative, or of the nature of negation
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Roosevelt was also committed to great-power unanimity in international action, and thus, at least in the negatory sense, to great- power unilateralism-the antithesis of Wilson's internationalism.
This was to inexorably lead to the outbreak of a "thorough and radical revolution in religion" (Brownson 1854: 108), both having the potential to function by a harmonious combination of negatory and positive ideas aimed at breaking the chains of tyranny ("Break the fetters which now bind the people, emancipate them from their present masters") and at "re-organiz[ing] society, religion, and politics" (Brownson 1854: 108).
Of course, it should be reminded in this context that the discursive background of this assuming of the "player President" position was a profound agonistic, of confrontation, negatory one, expressed in "rejecting the system" and stating the intention to "eliminate the corrupt and mediocre politicians", especially the members of Parliament, to establish a direct relationship with the people and to amend the Constitution.