negative resistance

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Related to negative resistance: negative impedance

negative resistance

(Electronics) a characteristic of certain electronic components in which an increase in the applied voltage increases the resistance, producing a proportional decrease in current
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References in periodicals archive ?
The transformer-based passive inductor produces a frequency-dependent negative resistance for resistive loss compensation [8].
The lamp can be approximated to a resistor that changes with light intensity, for example the RMS voltage of lamp increases almost linearly when the power of the lamp decreases, therefore the lamp behaves as a negative resistance, equally the equivalent resistance of the lamp is in function of its power [9] [10] [11].
The active circuit in this figure is responsible to generate a constant negative resistance, which corresponds to the minimum value required for the given modulation scheme.
A two-terminal negative resistance convertor can now be produced by connecting three positive resistances around an operation amplifier.
Conversely, Mubrarak's supporters, given that they were concentrated mainly in state apparatus, depended on methods of negative resistance by preventing these apparatus from working.
This means that the negative resistance of the negative resistor will be tuned easily by bias current.
As shown in the physical layout, the inductance of [L.sub.2] is higher than that of [L.sub.1] for the non-center-tapped inductor, since [L.sub.2] contributes the negative resistance in (5).
Seo, "Dual-band push-push OSC using CRLH transmission line and tunable negative resistance based on pin diode," Microw.
Gymform Duo's system sends a continuous positive and negative resistance to the muscles, to create reciprocating contractions.
The development of this new read circuit with negative resistance has resulted in STT MRAM that is insusceptible to erroneous writes caused by fluctuations in the electrical characteristics of the MTJs.
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