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(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) same as microstate
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The government has also built a mini-state lodge at the Narok county commissioner's residence.
The PLO stressed that "with the American administration insisting on implementing its plan to impose a surrender solution on the Palestinian people goes in line with the understandings of the right wing in Israel under the leadership of (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu on the peace process they want through separating Gaza from the West Bank, as Netanyahu personally proposed lately, and establishing a mini-state there while creating an autonomous authority in the West Bank under Israeli occupation forever."
"I have the upmost respect for what Glenbrook South is doing and I love New Trier," Carmel coach Sarah Doyle said," We knew this was going to be a mini-state meet.
TCs, with their self-declared mini-state recognised only by Turkey, are poised to become the biggest losers of a non-settlement.
"She opened the conversation by thrusting a newspaper cutting about Oliver Tambo (ANC president) in front of us, saying that it proved that we should not be talking to him She continued to express her views about a return to pre-1910 South Africa, with a white mini-state partitioned from their neighbouring black states."
"(A deal would bring about a) separation of Gaza from the rest of the homeland and would create a mini-state which will be the graveyard of our national project," Munir Al-Ghaghoub, a spokesman for Fatah, said.
On the contrary, they believe leaked information suggesting that the US is laying the groundwork to declare Gaza an independent mini-state cut off from Palestinian territories on the West Bank, one reliant on energy generated within Egypt's northern Sinai as well as access to an Egyptian port and perhaps an airport.
2016 AQAP takes advantage of the chaos to establish a mini-state around Mukalla in east Yemen, raising fears the war will lead to a new surge in militant activity.
He writes: "She wanted a return to pre-1910 South Africa, with a white mini-state partitioned from neighbouring black states.
Describing her views on South Africa, Sir Patrick wrote: "She wanted a return to pre-1910, with a white mini-state partitioned from black states." He also said the PM favoured a "pushing off " policy - refusing to allow them to land - during the 1989 Vietnamese boat people crisis.