
Related to Ministery: ministry, Ministry of Finance


n.1.See Ministry.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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In reply to another question, the minister said a total of 20 projects are being run under the ministery for conservation and renovation of the places related to the Liberation War.
The ministry decision reads, "Morning schools will start from 7:50 am to 12:15 pm and evening schools will begin from 12:20 pm and end at 4:40 pm." According to the Ministery, this schedule is applicable to all public schools of one period and two periods and also applies to all schools with various student capacities.
As for the environmental steps to be adopted, those are not the result of an issued report only, but part of the environmental reform vision of Minister Fadi Jreissati since he took over the environment portfolio," the ministery statement read.
Zafar A Khan, Atif Bajwa, DG NADRA Mir Alam Khan, Special Secretary ministery of inter-province cooperation Mohtarma Tasnim Rehman, Additional Secretary Finance Dr Arshad Mehmood and deputy secretary ADB economic affairs division Shahid Ahmed, accordind to a press release issued here Wednesday.
According to a press release issued her yesterday, the Saudi Ministery of Hajj and Umrah, under the guidance of the wise leadership and in coordination with the Emirate of Makkah Province and the Emirate of Al-Madinah Province and the General Authority of Civil Aviation decided to host Pakistani pilgrims until the flights return back to Pakistan and to coordinate with flight agencies for their re-booking, due to current situation of closing Pakistan's airspace and suspended all flights.
The UAE ministery of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Invest India have signed MoU for future cooperation in AI economies.
The Islamabad High Court has given interior ministery two weeks to decide whether it will place US diplomat Colonel Joseph Emanuel Hall, accused in the murder of a 22-year-old while jumping traffic signals in Islamabad, on the Exit Control List, Express News reported.
The meeting is being organized under the auspices of Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), a National Standard Body of Pakistan under the administrative control of Ministery of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan.
Earlier in 2017, following a recommendation of the Seventh Pay Commission, the Defence Ministery capped the monthly expenditure on tuition and hostel charges.
A formal notification issued in this regard by the law ministery states that the Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) will administer the oath.It is important to mention here that Justice Shah, appointed asan LHCjudge on September 15, 2009, was appointed as the chief justice in June 2015.
She toured the new complex and commended co-operation between the Supreme Judicial Council, the Ministery of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments and civil society institutions.
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