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(Geological Science) (of an igneous rock) having irregular cavities into which crystals protrude
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Miarolitic cavities locally comprise up to 20% of the rock, and in places, contain the same hydrothermal mineral assemblage as the stockwork veins, including quartz, magnetite, chalcopyrite and trace bornite.
Ores textures are varied and include euhedral-subhedral crystals, metasomatic dissolution features, banding, veins, disseminations, and fillings of miarolitic cavities (Figures 3(e)-3(h)).
Muraoka, "Three-dimensional shape analysis of miarolitic cavities and enclaves in the Kakkonda granite by X-ray computed tomography," Journal of Structural Geology, vol.
The abundance of aligned miarolitic cavities parallel to primary flow fabric suggests that these bodies were emplaced at high levels.
are the goethite, blue-green microcline ("amazonite") and smoky quartz from miarolitic pockets in granite exposed at many sites in the Pikes Peak batholith of central Colorado.
A leucocratic foliated granite with miarolitic cavities 15 km south in Fiordo Peel showed a ca 150 Ma U-Pb zircon age (unpubl.
The only member of the beryl family with more Fe is stoppaniite, which occurs in miarolitic cavities in volcanic ejecta at Latium, Italy, and contains up to 19.30 wt.% [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] (Della Ventura et al., 2000).
The groundmass is granophyric, partly spherulitic, and contains miarolitic cavities.
The presence of quartz and feldspar ph enocrysts, as well as miarolitic cavities, requires the melt composition (the opposing end of the lever) to lie on the quartz- feldspar boundary line.
The main ore structures consist of massive, disseminated, banded, veined, stockwork, miarolitic, and brecciated structures (Figure 3).
Just in time for the show, Marshall received a shipment of about 20 flats of beautiful specimens of aquamarine/schorl/feldspar, newly dug from miarolitic cavities in the granite of the Erongo Mountains, Namibia.