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Mi·am·i 1

 (mī-ăm′ē, -ăm′ə)
n. pl. Miami or Mi·am·is
1. A member of a Native American people originally of the Green Bay area of Wisconsin, with various groups later inhabiting parts of southern Michigan and northern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Present-day populations are in northern Indiana and northeast Oklahoma.
2. The variety of Illinois spoken by the Miami.

Mi·am·i 2

 (mī-ăm′ē, -ăm′ə)
A city of southeast Florida on Biscayne Bay south of Fort Lauderdale. Settled in the 1870s near the site of a fort built in 1836, it expanded greatly during the land boom of the 1920s and again after World War II. A wave of Cuban immigration began in 1959 when Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba. Miami is now a major port and commercial center.

Mi·am′i·an adj. & n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The generous usage the Indians had promised before in my capitulation, was afterwards fully complied with, and we proceeded with them as prisoners to old Chelicothe, the principal Indian town, on Little Miami, where we arrived, after an uncomfortable journey, in very severe weather, on the eighteenth day of February, and received as good treatment as prisoners could expect from savages.--On the tenth day of March following, I, and ten of my men, were conducted by forty Indians to Detroit, where we arrived the thirtieth day, and were treated by Governor Hamilton, the British commander at that post, with great humanity.
The hostile disposition of the savages, and their allies, caused General Clark, the commandant at the Falls of the Ohio, immediately to begin an expedition with his own regiment, and the armed force of the country, against Pecaway, the principal town of the Shawanese, on a branch of Great Miami, which he finished with great success, took seventeen scalps, and burnt the town to ashes, with the loss of seventeen men.
Wayne, in his celebrated campaign on the Miami, received the fire of his enemies in line; and then causing his dragoons to wheel round his flanks, the Indians were driven from their covers before they had time to load.