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1. Eliciting or deserving hatred.
2. Feeling or showing hatred: "After she'd drunk the cocktail ... Mary sat there seeing faces, hearing voices in a blank hateful haze" (John Dos Passos).
3. Informal Very unpleasant or unappealing: a hateful chore.

hate′ful·ly adv.
hate′ful·ness n.
Synonyms: hateful, detestable, odious, offensive, repellent
These often interchangeable adjectives describe what elicits or deserves strong dislike, distaste, or revulsion. Hateful refers to what evokes hatred or deep animosity: "No vice is universally so hateful as ingratitude" (Joseph Priestley).
Detestable applies to what arouses abhorrence or scorn: detestable crimes against humanity. Something odious is the object of intense displeasure or aversion: "the odious practice of sending prisoners abroad to be tortured" (Ronald Dworkin).
Offensive applies to what offends or insults: an offensive suggestion that the writer was guilty of plagiarism. Something repellent arouses repugnance or disgust: "[The motion picture code] banned the portrayal of repellent subjects—the sale of women, surgical operations, cruelty to children and animals" (Jeffrey Meyers).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.hatefulness - the quality of being hateful
odiousness, offensiveness, distastefulness - the quality of being offensive
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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(heit) verb
to dislike very much. I hate them for their cruelty to my father; I hate getting up in the morning.
1. great dislike. a look of hate.
2. something disliked. Getting up in the morning is one of my pet (= particular) hates.
ˈhateful adjective
very bad; very unpleasant. That was a hateful thing to do to her; What a hateful person!
ˈhatefully adverb
ˈhatefulness noun
hatred (ˈheitrid) noun
great dislike. There was a look of hatred in his eyes; I have a deep-seated hatred of liars.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
"Agitator!" said Sir James, with bitter emphasis, feeling that the syllables of this word properly repeated were a sufficient exposure of its hatefulness.
Her manner became less calm, her utterance more rapid and agitated, as she tried to bring home to the people their guilt their wilful darkness, their state of disobedience to God--as she dwelt on the hatefulness of sin, the Divine holiness, and the sufferings of the Saviour, by which a way had been opened for their salvation.
The popularity of 8chan is incomprehensible given its hatefulness. Alexa ranked the site as the 3,832nd most visited site in the world.
Have we become so desensitised to the hatefulness that fills our TVs and news feeds on a daily basis that we're failing to teach the fundamental basics to our children by setting an example in front of their peers?
Rather than simply being 'live and let live,' they are forcing Americans to embrace their politics, and often with overwhelming muscle and the life-crushing public accusations of a person's so-called 'bigotry' and 'hatefulness' if they dare disagree."
Omar responded to Trump's attack by PRIVATE Richard Nixon quoting a poem by Maya Angelou: "You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise."
class="MsoNormalAt the deceit, hatefulness and the judgement from the very group of people that are supposed to be modelling honesty, love and acceptance.
(1) Resistance to racial equality in the civil rights era ("old racism") is conceptualized, as Jeanne Theoharis puts it, as "personal hatefulness...
God's love sees all the hatefulness and all the wickedness of the enemy yet desires to free the enemy from hate, to do the enemy the highest good, to rescue them from sin, and save their souls.
Against isolationism and jingoism, Meacham proposes a "clear-eyed" American exceptionalism that boasts constitutionally established corrective function and a tradition of overcoming hatefulness and injustice; for Meacham, true patriotism recognizes our flaws but maintains a belief in our national soul.
Dan Patrick just doesn't give a damn and spews hatefulness and nonsense against immigrants.