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guest and memmbers of followship church gather for iftar, this iftar is organised by Followship Church at Ju Image Credit: Janice Ponce de Leon, Staff Reporter
Similarly, last month the infamous Mudaraba scandal in which very prominent prayer leaders and muftis,associated Tablighi Jamat , which otherwise is a respectful organization and has a huge followship, were involved,has further daubed the face of the Islamists.
In 1960, I received a postdoctoral followship in European economic history at New York University that included sets of lectures by, among others, Mises, Hayek, Milton Friedman, Earl Hamilton, and Howard Adelson.
(84) Produits Shell Canada Ltee c Vancouver (ville de), [19941 1 RCS 231, 110 DLR (4e) 1 [Produits Shell]: United Taxi Drivers Followship of Southern Alberta c Calgary (Ville de), 2004 CSC 19, [2004] 1 RCS 485 [United Taxi avec renvois aux RCS].
Through their persona, they develop a "followship" and encourage others to follow suit.
For many of these global Baptists, the historical Baptist principles of freedom of conscience, religious liberty for all, and church-state separation yet serve as the heartbeat of a faith focused on voluntary followship of Jesus Christ.
Indeed, "Rosemary's Baby" begins with Liz being awarded the corporate "Followship" prize for being a good "follower," and she is about to reject it until she learns it comes with ten thousand dollars in cash--exemplifying wishy-washy Liz Lemonism.
Among their topics are empowering the reluctant new library manager, maintaining balance and relationships to lead without authority, when life and leadership collide, avoiding the Peter Principle, critical followship as an act of resilience for second-career librarians, and leadership betwixt and between.
"There's a lot of emphasis put on the quantity of follow-ship, when the focus should be on the quality of followship. It's not about having millions of followers, it's about having followers that truly believe in what you do...
The second point that the panelists made was that followship is very important in leadership.
The drama is played out in terms of social dominance and affiliation--leadership, followship, imprisonment, in-out group dynamics--both between the Nazi authorities and the prisoners, and within the community of prisoners, whose unity is under pressure continuously from the tensions between individual and collective interests, short-and long-term gains, and the interests of different prisoner groupings emerging from differential treatment by the Nazis.