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Noun1.followers - a group of followers or enthusiastsfollowers - a group of followers or enthusiasts
hoi polloi, masses, the great unwashed, multitude, people, mass - the common people generally; "separate the warriors from the mass"; "power to the people"
claque - a group of followers hired to applaud at a performance
faithful - any loyal and steadfast following
fandom - the fans of a sport or famous person
buff, devotee, lover, fan - an ardent follower and admirer
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References in classic literature ?
COSTLY followers are not to be liked; lest while a man maketh his train longer, he make his wings shorter.
But at this very time two serpents appeared and destroyed Laocoon and one of his two sons, a portent which so alarmed the followers of Aeneas that they withdrew to Ida.
Fragment #4 -- Scholiast on Euripedes, Troades 31: For the followers of Acamus and Demophon took no share -- it is said -- of the spoils, but only Aethra, for whose sake, indeed, they came to Ilium with Menestheus to lead them.
Elizabethan prose, all too chaotic in the beauty and force which overflowed into it from Elizabethan poetry, and incorrect with an incorrectness which leaves it scarcely legitimate prose at all: then, in reaction against that, the correctness of Dryden, and his followers through the eighteenth century, determining the standard of a prose in the proper sense, not inferior to the prose of the Augustan age in Latin, or of the "great age in France": and, again in reaction against this, the wild mixture of poetry and prose, in our wild nineteenth century, under the influence of such writers as Dickens and Carlyle: such are the three periods into which the story of our prose literature divides itself.
The followers of Chaucer, and the precursors of Shakespeare, are alike real persons to him--old Langland reminding him of Carlyle's "Gospel of Labour." The product of a large store of reading has been here secreted anew for the reader who desires to see, in bird's-eye view, the light and shade of a long and varied period of poetic literature, by way of preparation for Shakespeare, [9] (with a full essay upon whom the volume closes,) explaining Shakespeare, so far as he can be explained by literary antecedents.
Achmet's followers were for running a spear through the body of their hereditary enemy; but Achmet would have it otherwise.
From a heterogeneous collection of loot, Achmet Zek procured a pith helmet and a European saddle, and from his black slaves and followers a party of porters, askaris and tent boys to make up a modest safari for a big game hunter.
In vain did his anxious followers seek for him, he was nowhere to be found.
His followers are all dancing on the plain, to their own vocal music.
"If to any followers I princely treasure gave of old while we in that good realm happy sate," let him my gift repay, let him now aid me.
``It is the mere wantonness of insult,'' said one of the oldest and most important of Prince John's followers, Waldemar Fitzurse, ``and if your Grace attempt it, cannot but prove ruinous to your projects.''
Thus spake Zarathustra, and, laughing with eyes and entrails, he stood still and turned round quickly--and behold, he almost thereby threw his shadow and follower to the ground, so closely had the latter followed at his heels, and so weak was he.