dried plum

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dried plum

- Another name for a prune.
See also related terms for prune.
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References in classic literature ?
Of course there is!" cried that little dried plum of a Meg Giry, heroically holding Sorelli back by her gauze skirt.
On the table was spread a snow-white tablecloth; upon it was a splendid porcelain service, and the roast goose was steaming famously with its stuffing of apple and dried plums. And what was still more capital to behold was, the goose hopped down from the dish, reeled about on the floor with knife and fork in its breast, till it came up to the poor little girl; when--the match went out and nothing but the thick, cold, damp wall was left behind.
When the enemy had been driven without, the children besieged the latch of a door that gave way before their united efforts, and slipped out of the worn staple that held it; and finally they bolted into a kind of fruit-loft, where they very soon fell to munching the dried plums, to the amusement of the commandant, who watched this spectacle.
As their foster-mother's attention was taken up by the officer with whom she was chatting, they seized the opportunity, and banded themselves together in a compact file, so as to make yet another assault upon the latch of the door that stood between them and the tempting heap of dried plums. They advanced to the attack, not like French soldiers, but as stealthily as Germans, impelled by frank animal greediness.
An exotic vegetarian kofta is the aloo bokhara kofta (plum kofta) which encases a pitted dried plum. Some chefs also replace the dried fruit with almonds or pistachio as well.
The effect of two doses of dried plum on bone density and bone biomarkers in osteopenic postmenopausal women: a randomized, controlled trial.
Antioxidant that exists in the dried plum can fight harmful radiation emitted due to electric pollution.
Two studies--one supported by the California Dried Plum Board--have looked.
The researchers divided 48 postmenopausal women with osteopenia into three groups, one of which consumed 50 grams of dried plum a day, one of which consumed 100 grams, and one of which did not consume any dried plums.
(2008) injected dried plum in roast beef and Lee and Ahn (2005) in irradiated turkey breast rolls formulated with plum extract.
Just like in Western dining, a sorbet was served and everyone agreed that it tasted of champoy or dried plum with wolfberry added.