
Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to Drie: drive, calendar
v. t.1.To endure.
So causeless such drede for to drie.
- Chaucer.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
In die drie verhale sorg 'n meesterverteller dat die verhaalgang vlot verloop.
"Not only does that mean increasing qualified income levels, but DRIE should be augmented to cover households that are responsible for looking after an immediate member of the family with a disability.
Aktuele temas soos moord en misdaad ("Een in 'n miljoen" [37-45]--Luka Dreyer; "Die koekietannie" [123-8]--Heloise van der Walt), huishoudelike geweld ("Utopia" [129-41]--Christina van Deventer), die seksuele misbruik van kinders ("Een, twee, drie, blok myself" [98-103]--Ilisna Nel), posttraumatiese stres ("Ontspoor" [117-22]--Tanya van Buuren) en geestestoornisse ("Lettie se verlies" [150-5]--Elani Venter) word ondersoek.
testing the DRIE tool, materials, and process in Masdar Institute's own clean
SEM imaging confirmed that microholes with 3-m and 4-[micro]m pitches were generated from the photolithography process and subsequent DRIE (Figure 2).
Ook nu is er weer discussie en ligt er het voorstel van drie wetenschappelijke instituten (KITLV, NIOD en Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie) om tot een alomvattend onderzoek hierover te komen.
"I sort dip"I and drie goa firs "I I a con am now U firs Pal Cla bac Allo T It didn't worry me because always go into games confident I'll score.
At Photonix, Teledyne DALSA will feature MEMS Foundry Services with a sophisticated "toolbox" of proven and patented process modules and techniques, including DRIE, surface & bulk machining, TSV with ISDP or metal plugs, anhydrous HF Release, low stress SiN, thick polymers, and wafer bonding.
Willie se twee broers en drie susters is almal medici--Elda is 'n oogkundige, Marietha 'n huisarts, Cornel 'n tandarts, Roelof 'n oftalmoloog, en Jan 'n huisarts.
The five new achievements were a device to determine specific area (BET) of nanomaterials with the ability to characterize nanostructured materials, deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) device with the ability to create vertical and deep micrometric and nanometric structures, capillary electrophoresis device with the ability to quantitatively and qualitatively detect medicine, animal spectroscopy device (HiReSPECT) with the ability to take images from small animals, and Sinadoxosome nanomedicine.
In preparation for the ramp-up, Micrel committed several million dollars (USD) in capital, initiated 3D front-to-back alignment capability and acquired a new DRIE etch machine.
M2 EQUITYBITES-February 10, 2011-Tegal announces sale of DRIE assets to SPTS for USD2.1m(C)2011 M2 COMMUNICATIONS http://www.m2.com