do with

Also found in: Idioms.

do with

1. could do with can do with to find useful; benefit from: she could do with a night's sleep.
2. have to do with to be involved in or connected with: his illness has a lot to do with his failing the exam.
3. to do with concerning; related to
4. what…do with
a. to put or place: what did you do with my coat?.
b. to handle or treat: what are we going to do with these hooligans?.
c. to fill one's time usefully: she didn't know what to do with herself when term ended.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
I am going to put your selfishness before you, Mr Headstone--your passionate, violent, and ungovernable selfishness --to show you why I can, and why I will, have nothing more to do with you.'
His coming had nothing to do with her sufferings or with their relief.
The first time they showed it to the warfighters, they loved it, and said, "Hey, if we've got the nifty camera to take that snapshot, there are a whole bunch of other things we could do with it as well." It shows you the kind of great synergies we get when we match the researchers to the operations folk.
Quoting his father, Walter Bouman, Luke defines faith as "the act of trusting God's way of being in the world as our way of being in the world." Preaching that inspires this kind of faith will be less about what we ought and ought not do with our holiday season and more about what God in Christ has done, is doing, and will do.
"The only major things the inspector found had to do with some of the under-cabinet plumbing.
Again for me it is so much a part of my spiritual practice, to be saying things like, "What do I do with my garbage?"
If you have a VAR that knows backup, they light up and say "wow, I see what I can do with this." In the last six weeks I've had four meetings, and three out the four were the "ahas." And the fourth was probably not the right VAR for us.
Fame has nothing to do with its effectiveness; there've been countless anonymous examples.
When we stop confusing holiness with morality and recognize that it has to do with transformed identity and a new center point, we will have gone a long way toward understanding what is happening in prayer and what the true goal of spirituality actually is.
What are you going to do with the current employee?