References in classic literature ?
But what mortal can cope with a creature of his dream?
But there are, besides, the individual beggars; and how does the heart of the Secretary fail him when he has to cope with THEM!
She's got the making of 'most anything in her, Rebecca has; but I feel sometimes as if we were not fitted to cope with her."
I feel fitted to cope with any child that ever was born int' the world!"
To cope with winds and waves, railroad trains, and bar-rooms, one must use judgment.
There are men whom a merciful Providence has undoubtedly ordained to a single life, but who from wilfulness or through circumstances they could not cope with have flown in the face of its decrees.
The Sergeant was the only one among us who was fit to cope with her-- being the only one among us who was in possession of himself.
So it was that the awful giant found his single hand helpless to cope with the strength of his foeman, and in a brief instant felt powerful fingers clutching at his throat.
She had hoped before she voiced her sentiments that it would not be necessary for her to enter into the transaction at all, for she believed that Clayton was amply able to cope with every emergency, but she had to admit that so far at least he had shown no greater promise of successfully handling the situation than any of the others, though he had at least refrained from adding in any way to the unpleasantness, even going so far as to give up the tin to the sailors when they objected to its being opened by him.
And when ordinary fellows like you and me attempt to cope with their idiosyncrasies the result is bungling.
Faint light filtered from above through occasional ventilating and lighting tubes, but it was scarce sufficient to enable my human eyes to cope with the darkness, and so I was forced to move with extreme care, feeling my way along step by step with a hand upon the wall beside me.
But the Mercenaries found it no easy task to cope with the people of the abyss and at the same time fight with the comrades.