

 (kən-stā′tĭv, kŏn′stə-)
Relating to or being an utterance that asserts or states something that can be judged as true or false, such as The cat is on the mat.
A constative utterance, such as an assertion.

[New Latin cōnstatīvus (translation of German konstatierend, present participle of konstatieren, to indicate as factual), from Latin cōnstāre, to stand firm, be fixed (influenced by third person sg. present tense cōnstat, it is manifest, it is a fact, and statīvus, stationary); see constant.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(of a statement) able to be true or false(of the aorist tense) indicating that an action has occurred
a statement that can be either true or false
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(kənˈsteɪ tɪv)
1. (of an utterance) making a statement that can be said to be true or false.
2. a constative utterance.
[1900–05; probably < French constat(er) to affirm, verify < Latin constat (it) is apparent <constāre; compare constant]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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This has been supported by Financial lessons found on a popular news and Christians information site called Constative.
Names are not just constative but do things in the world, make possibility or foreclose it.
(106) Habermas's position is based on the identification of four distinct modes of action, which he defines as "those symbolic expressions with which the actor takes up a relation to at least one world." (107) These "worlds," which can be thought of as conceptual orientations, are teleological (instrumental action to produce pragmatic results), constative (theoretical), normative (moral) and dramaturgical (aesthetic).
But they concern themselves with different things: the author of literary history is mainly concerned with literary historical facts by using constative language; whereas the critic is concerned with ideas through interrogation and dismantlement of the form of knowledge and mind-narrative nexus ingrained as well as inscribed in his own political and cultural unconsciousness by using performative language, which is likely to create extra productive synergies and multifarious meanings of literary texts.
Austin, whereby "performative utterances, which accomplish the action to which they refer" versus "constative utterances, which make true or false statements" (125), Culler observes that many "performatives have an explicitly ritualistic character" (125).
(21) Even as alphabets are perpetually multimodal, they are essential to literacy; Karen Coats outlines two functions of alphabets, constative and performative, in her discussion of children's alphabet books.
Emotional expression has been defined as "a type of speech act different from both performative and constative utterances, which both describe (constative utterances) and change (performatives) the world, because emotional expression has both an explanatory and a self-altering effect on the activated thought material of emotion" (Reddy 2001, 128).
The first important distinction that Austin establishes in his theory is between "constative" and "performative" speech acts.
Not involved but performative, constative but only in a manner of probability, the lurker produces frameworks for private truth-production through self-adjustment.
Recovering its holistic roots and assailing it with certain strands of philosophy or Bill Reddy's emotive (which holds that emotional utterances are both constative and performative, that they both describe and change the world: when 1 say "I am happy" I describe a state and exact a change on this state) allows us to move beyond the dichotomy.