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Adj.1.bowl-shaped - having a concave shape with an open top like a bowl
concave - curving inward
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References in classic literature ?
Fortunately a little rivulet trickled down the side of the rocky wall, giving us ample supply of fresh water--some of which I kept constantly beside the hyaenodon in a huge, bowl-shaped shell, of which there were count-less numbers among the rubble of the beach.
It was bowl-shaped and at the bottom, some hundreds of yards from where we lay, were pools of green-scummed, stagnant water, fringed with bullrushes.
Immediately beyond there was a bowl-shaped depression in the moor, and at the bottom of this was found the dead body of the unfortunate trainer.
Dishes include the interesting-sounding Hoppers, which are bowl-shaped coconut milk pancakes served with seeni sambal (caramelised onions with a hint of cinnamon).
The modern stadium is easy on the eye with an eye-catching roof, but the bowl-shaped arena has not fallen short on atmosphere.
This bowl-shaped vase adds a fresh dimension to the colour by picking up the golden accents and adding interest with some conch pearly pink and a wash of pebble stone grey.
Two sides had a bowl-shaped groove, while the other two had higher concave shapes.
'Since lakes are bowl-shaped, after reaching 1,740 feet, a one foot increase holds more water than at lower levels,' the official said, explaining that it will therefore take some time for water to reach to 1,752 feet.
The latest: the Meatball Pizza Bowl--a bowl-shaped pizza crust filled with meat sauce and melted cheese and topped with meatballs.
New Taipei City has just inaugurated a bike park that has bike tracks with wave-shaped and bowl-shaped bumps and other interesting designs, the city's Water Resources Department said in a news release on Thursday.
The punchbowl refers to the bowl-shaped Haean Valley named by United Nations Forces during the Korean War.