blue state

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Related to blue state: Red state

blue state

A US state in which a majority of the electorate votes for the Democratic candidate in a statewide election.

[From the fact that states that have elected Democratic candidates are often colored blue on maps in media reports.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
red state, blue state - A red state is any U.S. state that tends to vote for candidates of the Republican party in a general election; a blue state votes for Democratic candidates.
See also related terms for vote.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Bob Menendez, voters signal they want to keep New Jersey's Senate seat in the 'D' column in a blue state where President Donald Trump consistently remains unpopular," Mary Snow, polling analyst for the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.
It is certainly not a blue state. But one way to explain all these weird polls and other political soundings is to say this red state is developing some purple splotches.
Damazin , Sep t.23 (SUNA) The Cabinet Affairs Minister, Ahmed Saad Omar accompanied by the Wali of the Blue State, Hussein Blue Nile State, , Hussein Hamad, inaugurated , Saturday, the start of the Nile Kings festival by beating the copper drums and launching the boat race.
Hogan, like Baker, is a Republican governor in a blue state. Republicans hold 33 out of 50 governorships.
He must hold every state Mitt Romney won in 2012, add Ohio, Iowa and Florida, and then flip a blue state or two.
feels lucky to be working in a blue state. California abortion laws are among the most favorable to providers.
Regardless of which side of the political fence you occupy, you have to admit that nothing will produce fireworks quite as lively as a conservative think tank from Red State America filing a lawsuit to upset liberal orthodoxies here in the heart of Blue State America.
The chasm between the two political parties, symbolized by the Red state and Blue state dichotomy, is the manifestation of this cultural split.
As Joe Rospars, co-founder and CEO of Blue State Digital, the agency behind both of Barack Obama's campaigns, said recently in an online interview, "harnessing the power of big data is not about simply analysing antiseptic information, it's about using whatever information is at your disposal to understand the people behind it all".
This leads to my final recommendation: If you live in a blue state, consider relocating to a red state, particularly one that is not complying with Obamacare.
A former rock 'n' roller withers on the vine in "California Solo," Marshall Lewy's forgettable sophomore effort (after a promising beginning with "Blue State").
The bourbon is bottled separately as Red State Straight Bourbon Whiskey and Blue State Straight Bourbon Whiskey, two simultaneous releases of handcrafted bourbon.