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Noun1.bigram - a word that is written with two letters in an alphabetic writing system
written word - the written form of a word; "while the spoken word stands for something, the written word stands for something that stands for something"; "a craftsman of the written word"
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An n-gram of size 1 is called a 'unigram', size 2 a 'bigram', and size 3 a 'trigram'--with larger sizes simply called 'n-gram' (He et al.
The words of a particular sentence all contain the same bigram.
where [x.sub.i] is a vector of borrower and loan characteristics, [beta] is a vector of parameters, [t.sub.i] is the vector of bigram indicators described above, and 9 is a vector of parameters.
As a Petri network modeling a complete DEDS system [11], another element that reflects the system state is called the marking; the bigram is defined as follows.
After summaries of keynote speeches, 10 selected papers consider such aspects as Chat-App decryption key extraction through information flow analysis, a deep convolutional neural network for anomalous online forum incident classification, mind the gap: security analysis of metro platform screen door system, scholarly digital libraries as a platform for malware distribution, and low-dimensional bigram analysis for mobile data fragment classification.
Word categorization from distributional information: Frames confer more than the sum of their (Bigram) parts.
An approach was introduced in [12] which selects a new feature set using information gain, bigram, and object-oriented extraction method.
Rule-based, SVM and Maximum Entropy are used as the classification algorithms with features of count of positive, negative, and question word in sentence and bigram. From our experimental result, the best classification method is SVM that yields 83.5% accuracy.
As features, the SVM uses all uni-gram, bigram, and tri-gram word tokens that appear in the training data at least twice.
Taking an example, the frequency of bigram "TH" in English is much higher as compared to bigram "QZ." The ability of guessing permutation n is accessed by using n-grams frequency statistics: first large cipher texts are decrypted by using inverse of permutation n and then evaluated on the basis of how close the statistics of n-grams decrypted messages are as compared to statistics of underlying languages.
However, the bigram model used here to compute orthographic similarity does not fully capture how words are processed in this region, potentially because it is not the correct theory of representation and processing at an orthographic level.