Bight of Benin

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Noun1.Bight of Benin - a broad indentation of the Gulf of Guinea in western Africa
Gulf of Guinea - a gulf off the southwest coast of Africa
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'There are particular winds on the Atlantic ocean that pushes abandoned ships to the Bight of Benin which is the area on the Atlantic coast that Nigerian shorelines fall within.
A spirit possession and medicinal order found among many cultural groups along the Bight of Benin and in the Volta region of contemporary Ghana and Togo, the gods of the Gorovodu pantheon originated in witch-finding cults of the early twentieth century, spreading by ritual entrepreneurs in Ghana and Togo.
Manuel Barcia examines the interconnections between Cuba, Bahia, and the interior of the Bight of Benin during the first several decades of the nineteenth century.
Following a five-year period as the epicentre of hijacking for cargo theft, marine kidnapping for ransom is now the saveur du jour in the Gulf of Guinea -- particularly in the Bight of Benin and Bight of Bonny.
Benin is bounded by Togo to the west, Burkina Faso and Niger to the north, Nigeria to the east, and the Bight of Benin to the south.
From the early eighteenth century, the Kingdom of Dahomey dominated the slave trade in the Bight of Benin. The high degree of militarization and the introduction of firearms by the Europeans allowed the kingdom to expand its territory.