References in classic literature ?
When Terkoz saw Tarzan approaching without his arrows, he continued to belabor the poor woman in a studied effort to affront his hated chieftain.
Ah, when one looks at our young people, Prince, one would like to take Peter the Great's old cudgel out of the museum and belabor them in the Russian way till all the nonsense jumps out of them."
They fell to work and belabored each other with might and main; kicks and cuffs and dry blows were as well bestowed as they were well merited, until, having fought to their hearts' content, and been drubbed into a familiar acquaintance with each other's prowess and good qualities, they ended the fight by becoming firmer friends than they could have been rendered by a year's peaceable companionship.
Father and sons would occasionally get drunk together, and then the cabin was a scene of ruffian brawl and fighting, in the course of which the old Frenchman was apt to get soundly belabored by his mongrel offspring.
The good dame had remained sulky ever since, whereupon Pierre, seeing no other mode of exorcising the evil spirit out of her, and being, perhaps, a little inspired by whiskey, had resorted to the Indian remedy of the cudgel, and before his neighbors could interfere, had belabored her so soundly, that there is no record of her having shown any refractory symptoms throughout the remainder of the expedition.
Belabored by their officers, they began to move forward.
'I will not belabor him for omitting other issues because it is impossible to cram all of our problems in one speech,' he said.
"We will no longer belabor the fact that the May 13 elections were rigged and that the Comelec and it's main officials deserve to be pilloried for sanctioning and aiding the dirtiest, least credible elections in recent history," added Labog.
"There's no need to further belabor the point ndash Wednesday's big story was inflation.
'We need not belabor the fact that the media is in deep crisis in today's digital ecosystem.
'It is intriguing as to why appellant [Nazia] would bring her four-month-old child to the spot, place him on the floor and belabor the diseased with a dagger in order to kill her,' the court order states.
"Nowadays we need to record much more quickly, so there's not time to belabor every little decision like we did in our earlier years," says Ray.