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(bɪˈkɑː) or


(Placename) a broad valley in central Lebanon, between the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon Mountains. Ancient name: Coelesyria
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Therefore, it is totally unjust and blatantly insulting by Sayyed Nasrallah to accuse the Lebanese Forces of supporting armed terrorist groups, be it directly or indirectly, especially when those groups tried to attack our people in the Bekaa. The LF has clear positions vis-a-vis any party that violates the sovereignty and stability of Lebanon, let alone terrorist groups.
The Lebanese Forces (LF) has warned against possible unrest in the Bekaa Valley which could lead to security breaches, according to a report in the Beirut daily AN NAHAR on Tuesday.
NNA - Amidst the heavy rain in Baalbek this afternoon, a crowd of Hezbollah supporters and partisans gathered in Ain Bourday to show affiliation to the "Hope and Loyalty" list in an electoral rally held under the slogan, "Bekaa faithful to Nasrallah's mandate and promise." Addressing the huge crowd, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hasan Nasrallah assured that today's rally in Baalbek and Riyak is aimed at supporting the "Hope and Loyalty", as well as the "Zahle-Choice and Decision" electoral lists, and the joint issues between both districts.
Internal Security Forces raided a butcher's shop in the industrial zone in Zahleh in the Bekaa Valley and confiscated 350 kg of frozen meat that had gone off, leftist newspaper AS SAFIR reported on Friday.
Summary: The Internal Security Forces arrested 96 Syrian nationals in the Bekaa for allegedly entering Lebanon illegally, alongside three alleged people smugglers, an ISF statement reported Saturday
NNA - On the second day of his tour in the Bekaa, Prime Minister Saad Hariri visited the town of Karaoun, with candidates from the Future lists in the Western and Central Bekaa: Mohammed Karaawi, Ziad Kadri, Amin Wehbe and Mary Jan Pelizikjian.
ABANDONED BABY GIRLA 3-month-old baby girl was found by an Army patrol in the town of Suweiri in Western Bekaa Tuesday morning.
NNA - The Press Office of Prime Minister Saad Hariri issued the following statement: "The President of the Council of Ministers Saad Hariri started his Bekaa tour by visiting Al-Azhar of Bekaa in Majdel Anjar, where he was received by the Mufti of Zahle and Beqaa Sheikh Khalil al-Mais, the Mufti of Baalbek Sheikh Khaled Solh, dignitaries and students from Azhar.
Summary: Speaker Nabih Berri Wednesday called on the Lebanese state to reassert its authority in the Bekaa Valley by ordering the Lebanese Army and security forces to crack down on criminals threatening the region.
NNA - Prime Minister Saad Hariri pursued Saturday his tour in the Bekaa, accompanied by the region's MPs and Future Movement candidates.
The delegation also visited the Bekaa Valley, meeting with local officials and beneficiaries of a USAID water project in the Bekaa's Al-Rassieh.
NNA - In a wide popular ceremony held by the Future Movement in the Rawda region of West Bekaa on Saturday, Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced the Movement's electoral list, "Future is for West Bekaa and Rachaya." In his delivered speech on the occasion, Hariri said: "We decided that the last announcement of our lists will be from the Bekaa because the Bekaa is the best place to conclude our lists!