battle of Plataea

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Noun1.battle of Plataea - a defeat of the Persian army by the Greeks at Plataea in 479 BCbattle of Plataea - a defeat of the Persian army by the Greeks at Plataea in 479 BC
Boeotia - a district of ancient Greece to the northwest of Athens
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At the Battle of Plataea in 479, Rahe shows, the Greek coalition led by Sparta fielded an imposing ground force, which at its core had almost 40,000 hoplite (citizen-soldier) infantrymen.
The Battle of Plataea (479 BC) saw the defending Greeks face a more manageable three-to-one numerical disadvantage against the Persian invasion force; surmounting this disparity, the Greeks emerged victorious.
Upon his return, Dilios was not considered a coward and is later credited with leading a Greek alliance to final victory over the Persians at the Battle of Plataea.