Battle of Pydna

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Noun1.Battle of Pydna - a major victory by the Romans over the Macedonians in 168 BC; resulted in the downfall of the ancient Macedonian kingdom
Macedon, Makedonija, Macedonia - the ancient kingdom of Philip II and Alexander the Great in the southeastern Balkans that is now divided among modern Macedonia and Greece and Bulgaria
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References in periodicals archive ?
Erdkamp, however, points out that the battle of Pydna itself in the subsequent chapters shows signs of being derived from Antias, if not exclusively from that source (Erdkamp 539 with n.17; 545).
Ayrault-Dodge, Theodore (1995), Hannibal: A History of the Art of War among the Carthaginians and Romans Down to the Battle of Pydna, 168 B.C., Cambridge, Massachusetts: Da Capo Press.
42 Which once-great monarchy was finally overthrown by the Romans after the battle of Pydna in 168 BC?