

a banker or investor whose financial practices have been exposed as illegal
[C20: blend of banker + gangster]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The modest Low Countries fall in line with their huge neighbours, speaking of which just leaves two: Germany with uncomfortable CDU/SDP alliance (GroKo) but with AfD as official opposition, and France with bankster placed Napoleon II (Macron).
Not many people know that Khawaja's launch pad on silver screen was going to be with a Bollywood movie, funnily titled Bankster, which also starred Naseeruddin Shah.
Which is worse, a gangster or a bankster, mob kingpin Al Capone or banking kingpin Paul Warburg?
Following a fluctuating narration, freely moving backward and forward in time, and unraveling the subtle boundary between finance and crime, the novel focuses on Tommaso Arico, a rich 35-year-old 'merciless bankster,' in his own words ('Ebbene lo confesso, sono un feroce bankster' (p.
Ahmedabad, India, October 18, 2012 --( Ravi Subramanian's The Bankster, slated to be released in mid-October, is a scintillating suspense thriller that delves into the mystery surrounding the events which spring straight from a reputed bank, the Greater Boston Global Bank (GB2).
As I write this commentary, the lead on the Occupy Wall Street website lauds the government protesters in Greece, who, in their words, are "fighting the same anti-democratic program of social cuts and bankster bailouts that we are fighting on Wall Street.
The last three years of global recession have dealt a major blow to American capitalist ideas trumpeted throughout the world on the value of "free markets." Wall Street has been revealed as a form of casino economy, with the bankster insiders gambling with other people's, and eventually, the government's money in the form of bailouts.
and world governments have done has not worked and they are behaving like they have something to hide -- seemingly embarrassed by their own actions.Aa Last week, the Federal Reserve -- the bankster's central bank, run by banksters for the banksters -- refused to say where the $2 trillion they have put into bailing out banks was spent or what collateral they've received for the funds.Aa Over at the U.S.
The event also saw Aman's son, Azaan Khan, being recognised with the rising star director award for his upcoming film Bankster , which features Naseeruddin Shah.
On the contrary, each made a very convincing case of the other's guilt, in opening the doors to Marfin's silver-tongued bankster.
Its star is Robert Rubin, the bankster who was secretary of the treasury in the Clinton administration.
HATS off to the garda Sherlock Holmes who nailed arch bankster David Drumm - now send these crack super sleuths after Moriarty.