Banks Joseph


 (băngks), Sir Joseph 1743-1820.
British botanist noted for his circumnavigation of the globe (1768-1771) with James Cook, during which he collected and cataloged numerous specimens of plants and animals.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(băngks), Sir Joseph 1743-1820.
British botanist who took part in Captain James Cook's voyage around the world (1768-1771), during which he discovered and cataloged many species of plant and animal life.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Hariri also received the Chairman of the executive committee of the Union of Arab Banks Joseph Torbey and the Secretary General of UAB, Wissam Fattouh.
"A delegation of Economic Associations headed by its president Mohammed Choucair and its Secretary General Nicolas Chammas and the President of the Association of Banks Joseph Tarbey met with Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil today at the ministry to clarify the speech attributed to the Minister of Finance yesterday in a local newspaper," a statement by ABL said.
The official National News Agency (NNA) quoted Salam as saying "the explosion is tantamount to jeopardizing Lebanon's national security because the banking sector is a major dynamo for the national economic cycle and one of the main State foundations." He was speaking during a meeting that included Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil, Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon Riad Salameh and Chairman of the Association of Banks Joseph Tarabay.
An independent monitor--North Carolina Commissioner of Banks Joseph A.
Chairman of the Association of Lebanese Banks Joseph Tarabay said that the trade volume between Syria and Turkey increased rapidly since the signing of Adana agreement in 1998 and free trade agreement in 2004, adding that abolition of visas between the two countries contributes to raising trade volume by 120%.
"The data are good, but not perfect," says North Carolina Commissioner of Banks Joseph A.
Summary: Arab investments in European countries are far larger in size and value than Europe's investments in the Middle East, Head of the Union of Arab Banks Joseph Torbey told a conference in Paris Friday.
NNA - Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri and German Chancellor Angela Merkel participated today at 12:30 in a roundtable held at the Grand Serail, in the presence of caretaker ministers of Economy Raed Khoury and Energy and water Cesar Abi Khalil, the Governor of the Central Bank Riad Salame, the Head of the Council for development and reconstruction Nabil Jisr, the Secretary general of the Higher Council for Privatization Ziad Hayek, the Head of the Special Economic Zone in Tripoli Former Minister Raya Hassan, Hariri's advisor for Displaced Affairs Nadim Munla, the Head of the Economic Organizations Mohammed Choucair, the president of the Association of Banks Joseph Torbey and representatives of a number of Lebanese administrations.
In his opening speech, WUAB Chairman and President of the Union of Lebanese Banks Joseph Torbey stressed that the Arab countries have to get prepared for the application of FATCA avoid the penalties announced by the US Administration against violators.
But there is a lot of work to do in the years ahead." Association of Banks Hariri also received the President of the Association of Banks Joseph Torbey and the Secretary General of the Union of Arab Banks Wissam Fattouh.
Summary: Bank loans to individuals in Lebanon stood at $18.8 billion at the end of November 2017, representing 32 percent of the total loans granted to the private sector, the head of the Executive Committee of the Union of Arab Banks Joseph Torbey said Thursday.
In Lebanon, where SMEs have better access to financing with a share of 16 percent of banks' loan portfolios, they create more than 80 percent of jobs, head of the union of Arab banks Joseph Torbey said.