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1. the state or condition of an audiophile.
2. the state of one who listens to high-fidelity equipment solely for the quality of reproduction. — audiophilic, adj.
See also: -Phile, -Philia, -Phily, Phonograph Records
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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As with other fields, audiophilia has a lexicon of potentially pretentious-sounding terms to describe aural phenomena.
Audiophilia, the obsession with high-fidelity sound reproduction that afflicts many music enthusiasts, is a prime example of this pathology.
A confessed music obsessive, Dam perplexed neighborhood kids with his dedication to craft and burgeoning audiophilia. Though he didn't find growing up in a thoroughly black and Latino Los Angeles neighborhood quite as non-negotiable as Boyz N The Hood would have most believe, he was able to avoid any serious trouble because of the instruments he carried.
"Audiophilia: Audiovisual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema in Jackie Brown." Sc 45.4 (2004): 287-304.
It was more about The Sensible Sound's overall demeanor that attracted me to the magazine- the least condescending group of articles, equipment reviews, and music reviews about audiophilia I've ever read.
Certainly one of the oddest is the Helikon mono phono cartridge--designed, priced, and promoted to attract the attention of the well-heeled audiophilia nervosa crowd.
When the audiophilia bug bit me in my teenage years (although I hardly considered myself an audiophile, but a music lover) my system consisted mostly of leftover PA equipment from my rock band with a stereo receiver acting a phono preamp and headphone amp.
Yes, by the time you get this, the World Series will be over, and it will be time to settle down and get involved in that other Great American Pastime, audiophilia. Now is the time to think about upgrading that old amplifier or adding that subwoofer you have been lusting after all summer.
It also means that unless I'm very careful, I'll be trying new cartridges for the foreseeable future: i.e., getting sucked into the same sort of audiophilia nervosa that so plagued the hobby before the advent of digital technology -- though it seems not to have abated all that much; it's simply shifted focus.
Speaking of "the inside story," the editor of this magazine from time to time gets caught up in a mild case of audiophilia nervosa and decides that he might really be missing something if he does not give the latest and greatest an audition in his system.
I freely admit that I also found myself again and again going back to the third movement of the this CD just for the thrill of hearing the organ, and almost as often to the entire CD to revel in the glory that is audiophilia.
Being one of those few proponents in audiophilia who, like our esteemed WCH, profess music before sound, I must advise you that those terrible-sounding records and CDs you have in your collection will not be sounding any better than they currently do.