Phonograph Records

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Related to Phonograph Records: Gramophone record, 16 RPM, 78 rpm

Phonograph Records

a person especially interested in high-fidelity sound equipment and recordings on tape or disks.
1. the state or condition of an audiophile.
2. the state of one who listens to high-fidelity equipment solely for the quality of reproduction. — audiophilic, adj.
1. a list of musical recordings, usually with commentary, often concerning one composer, performer, or performing group.
2. the analysis, history, or classification of musical recordings.
3. the methods of such analysis or classification. — discographer, diskographer, n.discographical, diskographical, adj.
the zealous study and collection of phonograph records. Also called phonophily. — discophile, diskophile, n.
British. a lover and collector of phonograph records.
British. phonograph.
an instrument for reproducing sound from records; a phonograph; a gramophone.
a juke-box, record-player, or player piano operated by the insertion of a nickel or other coin. See also films.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
And it never goes high up, or sharp, or squeaky, or scratchy, like some women's voices when they're mad, or fresh, or excited, till they remind me of a bum phonograph record. Why, your voice, it just goes through me till I'm all trembling--like with the everlastin' cool of it.
In an Ermita antique shop with a notoriously surly owner, I came across small phonograph records that played on what looked like nails at 78 revolutions per minute (rpm).
The bill also overhauls the rules for discovery of electronically stored information, allowing parties to argue that information from some sources is "not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost." The bill also slightly modernizes the description of the types of information covered by the rule, deleting a reference to "phonograph records" but now specifying sound recordings and images.
There is, I think, some possibility that immature students will acquire affected mannerisms in their effort to imitate the singing of artists as shown by the phonograph records. I do not anticipate any serious inroads upon the present state of thoughtfulness of the average student of singing by the use of the phonograph.
And how about stamps for your senses: In 1973, Bhutan came out with stamps which were actually phonograph records. These could play its national anthem on record player.
Then there's a game in which groups create their own Golden Record based on the two phonograph records aboard Voyager ; records portraying the diversity of life and culture on Earth.
The Voyager Golden Record " phonograph records (together with a cartridge and a needle) on board the two Voyager spacecrafts launched in 1977 " contains 115 images, musical selections, natural soundscapes and spoken greetings to any extraterrestrials that might pick up the messages.
And, thanks in part to his tremendously popular phonograph records, Caruso was one of the most famous personalities of his day.
200,000 45rpm PHONOGRAPH RECORDS: Turn key operation.
The circulation of pianola rolls and of phonograph records has also been proposed, with the same end in view, and has even been tried experimentally in one or two places.
He especially enjoyed music, amassing a record collection of over 30,000 phonograph records. He was an avid Civil War buff, and owned and read many books on that subject.