ars poetica

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ars poetica

(ˈɑːz pəʊˈɛtɪkə)
(Poetry) the art of poetry
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During a weekend in the fascinating Moldovan capital of Chisinau (less up-to-date atlases might call it Kishinev) early this summer I was able to experience the quality of Ars Poetica in a varied programme which included works by Ciobanu himself, some other Moldovan composers, and one by James Clarke, resident in London, but a familiar presence in much of Europe as well as in Belfast, where he was artistic director of the Belfast Sonorities Festival.
Johannes figures as a witness of an 1199 Rouen Cathedral document, but he was probably dead when Gervais' Ars poetica appeared ten or fifteen years later.
Ars Poetica ("Art of Poetry") Work by Horace, written about 19-18 BC for Piso and his sons and originally known as Epistula ad Pisones (Epistle to the Pisos).
In Ars Poetica, Archibald MacLeish urged that "a poem should be equal to:/Not true ...
Hardly noticed at the time, but an event of great significance for the current of thought and poetic practice I have begun to outline, was the publication, in 1975, of a new translation of Horace's Ars Poetica by the Somerset poet and cultural commentator C.
"You, Andrew Marvell" and the lesser "Ars Poetica"--with its imagistic thesis, "A poem should not mean / But be"--remain his most often anthologized poems, but "Memorial Rain," ` "Not Marble Nor the Gilded Monuments," "Epistle To Be Left in the Earth," "Cook County," and "Calypso's Island" are no less memorable.
The Ars poetica, the longest poem written by the Roman lyric poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus, is one of the foremost documents on ancient literary criticism in the Western world.
Among Horace's other works are the Carmen saeculare, a liturgical hymn composed for the secular games held at Rome in 17 bc, and the Ars poetica,
The Ars Poetica 2017 festival offers foreign guests as well as local bards, with authors from the UK, Australia/Greece and Nigeria among them.svg width="23" height="23use xlink:
Horace's epistolary Ars poetica. Matching the demands of these
Except for the last chapter, the story is narrated by Gustavo "Highway" Sanchez Sanchez, "the best auctioneer in the world," whose ars poetica is that the only honest way to enhance the value of an object is to tell a good story about it.