arroyo willow

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Related to arroyo willow: red willow, Fremont cottonwood
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Noun1.arroyo willow - shrubby willow of the western United Statesarroyo willow - shrubby willow of the western United States
genus Salix, Salix - a large and widespread genus varying in size from small shrubs to large trees: willows
willow, willow tree - any of numerous deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Salix
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References in periodicals archive ?
I sometimes add dried and pulverized willow bark (Salix sps), usually red or arroyo willow. This adds a pleasant flavor, and was apparently used in traditional American Indian smoking blends.
Southern riparian forest dominated by arroyo willow and southern-willow scrub represent two riparian ecosystems in southern California that humans have destroyed or heavily modified (Faber et al., 1989).
"Just a little arroyo willow, but I got it all decorated real nice with all kinds of wind chimes."
To complement nearby stands of alder and bigleaf maple, volunteers have made extensive plantings of smaller trees and shrubs, like Sitka willow, red willow, Arroyo willow, and creek dogwood.
We are therefore studying copper tolerance of native CA willows including Salix lasiolepis (Arroyo willow).
Impact of shoot galler attack on sexual reproduction in the arroyo willow. Ecology 69: 2021-2030.