alternative hypothesis

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alternative hypothesis

(Statistics) statistics the hypothesis that given data do not conform with a given null hypothesis: the null hypothesis is accepted only if its probability exceeds a predetermined significance level. Compare hypothesis testing, null hypothesis
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The results indicated that the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected.
Both Bayes Factors were recorded to refer to evidences for the alternative hypothesis to the null (B[F.sub.10]) in order to simplify the comparison with p-values dummies.
At level we accept null hypothesis for natural logs of GDP, broad money supply, domestic credit to private sector and remittances and we accept alternative hypothesis for the remaining series.
therefor the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected.
In order to investigate the properties of the proposed measures, simulations based on two general conditions were carried out: (1) without differential item functioning or null hypothesis conditions and (2) with differential item functioning or alternative hypothesis conditions.
We can observe that z-test shows that the IT2PE and IT2XB indices of validation are lower than the z-critical value that is equal to -1.645 with a significance level [alpha] of 0.05, whose z-values confirm the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis posed in (15) for these indices of validation, demonstrating that the IT2FPCM algorithm is better than IT2FPCM algorithm for the data clustering of the Iris Flower dataset using the IT2PE and IT2XB indices.
H1: Alternative Hypothesis; there is a significant difference in the direct tax as percentage of GDP over the three periods.
She still has to test the alternative hypothesis that some carryover effect in gene regulation that mothers pass to their offspring is responsible for the difference.
His findings provided a logical support towards the second proposed alternative hypothesis of the study.
I have an alternative hypothesis that's broadly consistent with their data.
Here the null hypothesis would be that there is no relationship between the two variables and the alternative hypothesis would postulate that there is indeed a causal relationship between the two aforementioned variables.

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